Message from AZ Minutewoman

I am personally and passionately so very disappointed in those so called patriotic Americans who are selling us REAL Patriotic Americans Short......what is this really all about????? Is it demonic influence, drug use, alcoholism, or what- that is stearing their votes??? I am so ashamed at any person in power who I previously supported, with money, volunteerism (time) and prayer who are now letting me down. I hate the thought of paying for any benefit of a criminal (illega alien) when I do not have health insurance myself.

I am a firm believer that you should obey the laws of the land you live in, support yourself, treat others with due respect, and live as righteously as you humanly can in this twisted wicked world.

For Christians who support illegal aliens, especially, I have some words for you - seek the face of God and see what He tells you. I will not quote scripture to you, just only ask that you seek God's will and His ways!
I only wish that we Americans could rise together in Unity, rather than in separate groups - there is TRULY Strength in numbers - so let us all join together as Americans and rise against this INVASION with actions and efforts, not just in words!

Yes, "PRESS 1" If you are illegal - so we can locate you, call ICE to pick you up - and haul your criminal butt to the border to return to where you came from!!! PRESS 1 -if you want to Secure your Nation! PRESS 1 if you care to put action to your beliefs! PRESS 1 if you are tired of having to Press 1!!

I am a proud AZ MinuteWoman who believes I am a member of a unique and powerful group of those who are True patriots. Please check out our website if you have not yet. Consider contributing to the Border Fence - be an active participant in the efforts to SECURE OUR LAND!

I welcome your comments and encourage you again - Please consider putting more action to your beliefs and let your efforts spread like fire amongst your family, friends, co-workers and neighbors.

Speak, Write, Contribute and Volunteer!!!


AZ MinuteWoman -PG