RE:IGNACIO RAMOS 58079-180 37 White M 08-11-2016

As an American citizen I find in sickening to hear on
Monday after noon and evening reports of Ignacio Ramos
being assaulted by FIVE ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS at your
prison on Saturday night at 10PM.

First of all, where are the guards in this area?How
many guards would be on duty at this time of night?
How is it that inmates have steel toe boots to be able
to do bodily harm?
What the hell kind of prison are you running where an
incident like this takes place Saturday nite and as i
write you, the political prisoner, Ignacio Ramos has
not been given medical care yet? You can not sit there
and tell me that you do not have a way to get medical
help on the weekend because you can take a prisoner to
a local hospital and have guards at the door and
inside the room.

As an AMERICAN Citizen I DEMAND that you investigate
this and answer to me since I AM a taxpayer and I

You and your administration who run this prison should
know what might happen if Ramos was allowed in with
the general public. I do understand that there is a
special place for former Law Enforcement can be placed
and I have to ask.. How come this person was not
places there?
If any investigation comes out that you or your guards
allowed this to happen then you should be charged with
attemped murder and assault AND I DEMAND THOSE FIVE

CC: Rep Kenny Marchant, Ted Poe, Michael McCaul, Tom
Tancredo, Dana Rohrabacher, Duncan Hunter