The World That Bush Made
By Charles Cutter (
Aug 12, 2005, 03:36

To get a snapshot of the world that Bush made, it’s necessary only to check out the news stories during any given week.
First, the situation in Iraq.

"[A]s the military announced five more U.S. fatalities…the Bush administration faced the reality that August is on track to becoming one of the bloodiest months since the war began. And polls suggest the deaths are straining the patience of Americans, increasing the pressure on the administration to develop an exit strategy." (Chicago Tribune, 8/5/05).

"Bloodiest," in this context, relates to American military casualties. There have certainly been much bloodier months in Iraq - for Iraqi civilians. Using the standard dividing line between "us" and "them," a high fatality rate for our soldiers at least manages to strain our patience. One can only suppose that the wholesale slaughter of a bunch of foreigners simply elicits a yawn.

The Tribune also reported, on August 11: "July was a record month at Baghdad’s main morgue, where the bodies pile up so fast they often have to be buried before they can be identified to make way for the next day’s arrivals…June was a peak month for beheadings, May was a record month for suicide bombings, and now assassinations and drive-by shootings are the trend…" It might pay to keep all this in mind when any Bush administration official tells us how brutal living conditions were under Saddam Hussein.

And here’s a sharp contrast between rhetoric and reality. From USA Today (8/7/05): "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the insurgency in Iraq is losing steam as a political force…’It’s a lot easier to see the violence and suicide bombing than to see the rather quiet political progress that’s going on in parallel,’ Rice said."

To illustrate that "quiet political progress," consider this from the New York Times, three days later: "Armed men entered Baghdad’s municipal building…deposed the mayor and installed a member of Iraq’s most powerful Shiite militia…The deposed mayor…called the move a municipal coup d’etat. He added that he had gone into hiding for fear of his life."

Iraq on the home front: An Associated Press report from August 6 tells of an "angry mother of a fallen U.S. soldier [who] has staged a protest near President Bush’s ranch…demanding an accounting from Bush of how he has conducted the war in Iraq." The woman is quoted, "Last week [Bush] said my son died for a ‘noble cause’ and I want to ask him what that noble cause is." While one can sympathize with her loss, this woman is simply giving a voice to her grief. What will it take for Americans to ask the right question - not, "Why was my child killed?" but "Why are my children being asked to kill?"

To answer that question - or at least provide us some insight - a story in the Washington Post reports, "Bush’s economic approval ratings remain low, weighed down by anger over Iraq and concerns about lackluster wage increases and stubbornly high gasoline prices." (8/6/05). The story then quotes a man from California: "I feel the economy is just not as good as it should be…We’re spending too many lives, resources and money on Iraq. There has to be a point where we say we can’t help everybody. We need to help ourselves."

It’s hard to imagine a clearer statement illustrating America in the age of Bush - the selfishness, the misperception, the moral vacuity.

Beyond Iraq: The president of Venezuela made a speech warning that his country would successfully repel any invasion from America. Donald Rumsfeld is warning that bombs now being used by the Iraq insurgency are "clearly, unambiguously" coming from Iran while George W. Bush declares he is "deeply suspicious" of the Iranian nuclear program. It’s worth noting that both Venezuela and Iran are major sources of oil. Are there more wars on the horizon? It seems farfetched, if for no other reason than the current depletion and overextension of U.S. military forces.

Still, it’s advisable to remain wary. There are no limits to the bad things that can happen in the world that Bush made.