From: Roy Beck, President, NumbersUSA
Date: Tuesday 13FEB07 11:45 p.m. EST

Faxes already starting to push Congressmen to sign Anti-Chain Migration Bill

"I am a member of NumbersUSA who joined to fight illegal immigration. I did not know that NumbersUSA also fights legal immigration. But I definitely agree with reducing chain immigration. It is all about common sense. There should not be an endless chain for immigration."
----------Michael M.


I have a great story from today that shows that your faxes thus far are already working.

Faxes from NumbersUSA members since last Friday in support of a bill to end Chain Migration (our No. 1 LEGAL immigration problem and our No. 3 ILLEGAL immigration problem) are being noticed.

(If you haven't sent your fax yet, click here.)

One of our NumbersUSA lobbyists got contacted by a somewhat frantic congressional staffer this afternoon. "We're signing up on H.R. 938 -- just stop the faxes!" our lobbyist was told.

That's the point -- to just overwhelm every congressional office with so many faxes on this matter that staffers have to at least take notice of H.R. 938. There are at least 75 Members who ought to sign it immediately based on their past actions. But only 10 have signed so far.

Many of you are like Michael (above) who hadn't previously thought about how some legal immigration not only is harmful to the country in and of itself but also encourages more illegal immigration. Thanks for being open to looking at this.

Others of you have always understood the connections.

"I have known that NumbersUSA stood for both fixing the illegal alien problem, and reducing the legal immigration volume. I support NumbersUSA's efforts wholeheartedly in both areas."
----------B. Meyer, Maryland

"Thank you for the terrific explanation regarding NumbersUSA's stance on legal immigration. I believe that most Americans agree that ALL immigration levels are currently too high and quite frankly it is reasonable to plan immigration levels at a sustainable rate that maintains our high standard of living.

"There is an old Russian saying, 'You must understand there is a limit to everything, otherwise you will choke.' The question is will America's working classes share in the fruits of capitalism or be choked by an overwhelming underclass of cheap immigrant labor?"
----------Brian Jones

Brian is right that most Americans support lower LEGAL immigration. Only 2% in a Zogby poll last year said legal immigration is "too low." But 66% said legal immigration is "too high."
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I am most saddened to tell you that Congressman Charlie Norwood (R-GA) died today.

Everybody who is trying to get more local enforcement against illegal immigration in their area will want to say a word of thanks for Rep. Norwood's service. Among other things, he was the author of the CLEAR Act.

About five years ago, Jim Edwards and I sat down with Rep. Norwood in his office on Capitol Hill to talk about a problem in his District.

He had heard repeated complaints from law enforcement officers and judges decrying the increasing problem of suspected illegal aliens -- and a recalcitrant refusal by federal authorities to cooperate with local police departments.

The Augusta, Georgia, lawmaker thought there was something that could be done about the problem. He did his homework, got input and help from NumbersUSA, and crafted his signature immigration bill, the CLEAR Act.

Above all, the bill sought to force the federal government to cooperate with local governments that wanted to break up the illegal labor operations in their communities.

The bill also clarified the legal authority that state and local law enforcement already has with regard to immigration law in routine law enforcement situations. It facilitated information-sharing between local and federal authorities and provided much-needed resources for the costs associated with detaining, processing, and transporting alien lawbreakers.

The Norwood bill quickly garnered more than a quarter of the House as bipartisan cosponsors, had a Senate companion sponsored by Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), had a House Immigration Subcommittee hearing on it, and became a cause celebre for the immigration control and reduction movement. His bill was endorsed by many groups, including the National Sheriffs' Association, the Christian Coalition, and 9/11 Families for a Secure America.

Unfortunately, the Bush Administration resisted a measure that would be so disruptive to the ability of illegal aliens to live and work in local communities. I saw that first hand in a meeting in the West Wing when I pitched Rep. Norwood's bill to President Bush's domestic policy advisor.

Rep. Norwood continued to offer provisions from his CLEAR Act as amendments to other bills, including H.R. 4437 in the 109th Congress. His CLEAR amendments passed the House by comfortable margins and have been adapted in other Members' legislation. But the Senate never allowed any of them to get through.

Among the open-borders organizations, Rep. Norwood was constantly vilified as working against the rights of illegal aliens. Defeating his CLEAR Act was one of the top priorities of business and ethnic-grievance lobbies.

Jim Edwards, NumbersUSA's long-time Capitol Hill consultant, said today: "Charlie Norwood leaves a legacy of playing offense against open-borders groups that coddle illegal and criminal aliens."

The best way to honor the Norwood legacy is to remember his name and to try to initiate actions in your area that are found on our special page on how to act locally to reduce your illegal alien population:

He was an original sponsor of the new H.R. 938 bill to eliminate Chain Migration.

Since his arrival in the U.S. House in 1995, Rep. Norwood earned a career A+ Immigration-Reduction Grade.


"I am curious to hear more about why we should reduce current legal immigrations numbers."
----------Michael M.

Here are a few quick links to our pages that provide background on our goals for reducing legal immigration and how we arrived at them:

Our Goals

U.S. Population Explosion Graphic

"Needless to say, you are completely correct about ILLEGAL immigration which should be stopped completely. Whether we do it via a fence, more border guards, stiffer penalties, deportation, or whatever. It must be done.

"Now, concerning LEGAL immigration, my view is that this country has always welcomed LEGAL immigrants, provided that they had thorough background checks and fulfilled certain quota requirements that were in effect at the time. I happen to be one of those LEGAL immigrants who came into this country in 1949, a refugee from Communism and all its inherent (to us, life threatening) dangers in my native country, Hungary. But in those times, my parents and my siblings had to wait 5 years (!) and go through a seemingly endless string of background checks, questionnaires, physical exams, de-pesting (DDT spraying) and much more before being permitted entry to the United States of America.

"My point is that there have been and still should be very strict LEGAL controls over immigration from any country."
----------Laszlo S.


-- ROY