Now I really don't know how many anti immigrant people are here. However kind of hoping its more of an anti illegal setting for most (which is what I think).

Anyways as this is going to be used against the Rep party for years to come how about playing sneaky politics as they were meant to be played.

Would those on our side be able to do this.

Put forth a new "Dreamers Act" or some sort (choose a better name if need be).

1. Tighten border security and the border has to be secured before the application process can begin.

2. Allow a path to citizenship to those few (250k as dems have stated) who are between the ages of 16-25 (or whatever agreed on age).

3. By contract with these few being granted "amnesty" they can never apply for status of family.

4. These "dreamers" would be granted the ability to work while under the process.

5. They are unable to recieve federal and state funds until after citizenship has been granted. Meaning their education is on their own dime or the militaries if they go that route.

6. A finished 2 year degree or completed 4 year military service honorably must be achieved.

7. Its the burden of the applicant to prove they meet requirements and they have 2 months to file the paperwork from date the process is allowed to stay potential deportation.

8. Add in fee's for the paperwork possibly $2k (its $1k for a spousal / fiancee visa after all). Payable in full at time of application and non refundable.

9. Repeal of the "anchor baby" law.

10. To be able to vote you must be a legal resident naturalized or natural.

Dems would likely defeat it but would at least let the "innocent illegal children" know that the dems really aren't supporting them in staying, just their own agenda. Could also help sway more legal immigrants towards voting for Reps.

Just an idea. If it past sure we let a handful stay but we also would get some vital things done in our favor. Use their "victims" to our advantage.