I copied the title from my grandaughter's facebook.

I'm watching our President on TV going on about how important our educational system is. How we have to educate our young for our future. The phone rings. It is my grandaughter upset about what her college is doing to it students.

Before anyone starts bashing California, just remember these kids did not create the problem.

We have all wondered how CA was going to pay for Illegal Immigrants paying instate tution and Dreamers getting grants, well here is the answer. Students are getting emails telling them if your financial aid (grants) have not arrived you will be dropped. In order to receive financial aid you must carry 12 credits. The kids have found many classses in their majors full, so they take other classes to keep their 12+ credits to qualify. The teachers have started sending emails to the students dropping them if they feel they don't really need the class. If you miss one class for what ever reason you are dropped. This one class being dropped can end their college education.

This has already happened today to 3 of her friends. Good kids, good students whose dreams are being thrown away. Students that in their 3rd year are being told, all your efforts to get the classes you need, to make the good grades, just wasn't enough.