On November 28, President Bush attempted to assuage growing public angst about illegal immigration and terrorism. As usual, he failed miserably. This president apparently believes a few hollow promises can fool intelligent Americans who demand the president fulfill his greatest constitutional responsibility: Defend the American people from foreign invasion!

Bush promised that all illegal immigrants would be returned----but then made it clear he was talking about illegals caught at the border in the future. He said nothing about deporting 15 million illegals already here---- illiterate, unskilled, non-English speaking law breakers who are destroying America and our culture.

Bush also said nothing about cutting off services to illegals. Earlier this year, he authorized payment of federal dollars to bail out hospitals that served illegals without being paid. In other words, Bush used our money to pay health care costs for illegals-----even though there are 30 million American CITIZENS who are uninsured, and who can not receive free health care.

Bush bragged about a new campaign to drop illegals deep in the interior of Mexico. At great cost to......US taxpayers! But, why in the hell has Bush failed to kick Mexican President Vicente Fox squarely and forcefully in the groin and demand that Fox do his part to stop the flow of illegals? And tell Fox he must use Mexico's treasury to remove the invaders?

Bush apparently still fantasizes that illegals are "good-hearted and hard working folks." 15 million people invade our sovereign nation and violate our immigration laws, plunder our education and health care systems, and they are considered good-hearted and hard working? And does Bush really believe there are no terrorists, murderers or rapists among those 15 million?

Hopefully, intelligent people like Tom Tancredo, Duncan Hunter and other congressional patriots who really care about homeland security and American culture will prevent Bush from implementing his anti-America amnesty. And perhaps the US congress will someday muster the moral and political courage to do what needs to be done: Station 100,000 troops at the border with orders to use whatever force necessary to keep illegals out!

In the meantime, Americans can only hope that "Jorge's Folly" does not cost us a major US city and millions of innocent Americans lives. That unthinkable tragedy could ensue if one of Bush's good hearted, hard-working folks turns out to be an Islamic Jihadist with a dirty bomb.