law enforcement all over America should be banning together to send
Washington a message conerning this immigration problem. i'm tired of seeing illegal aliens standing on every gas station in crowds and law enforcement officers do nothing, when it's very obvious that these people are illegal. i'm sick of political correctness. law enforcement needs to step up and "protect and serve" this nation now and stop waiting for Washington because it's obvious what the government wants to do. how could you be a law enforement officer and see the obvious everyday and do nothing but harrass real Americans for speeding or jay walking etc., when you know our government is constantly importing more and more illegals (criminals) making your job that much tougher to do? how could you? you are our protection and yet you stand silent as a whole, where's your outrage and passion for your country and fellow Americans. we are being murdered everyday by illegal enemies and our government(they're just as guilty and have blood on their hands), if you don't put a stop to this soon, we'll be in a civil war. man up, and represent law abiding citizens; is that too much to ask from our so called "finest"?! !