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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Southern Mexifornia

    Are you prepared for a new border?

    "Give me your tired, your poor,
    your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    the wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

    That poignant message of Emma Lazarus has borne bitter fruit, for today you and I stand on the boundary of a new America; an altered Republic of divergent values remodeled under the radar of its busy, distracted citizens.

    Wherever tenacious, Illegal immigrants arrive by the hundreds, thousands, millions, wherever they settle in large numbers, the home-grown population moves elsewhere. Communities change, political boundaries change. But there is never an end to it. Still they come. Mostly they stream in rom Mexico, a nation that is blessed with natural resources. A beautiful country cursed with a corrupt government, crime, drugs, and a population who can't seem to will themselves to demand better conditions. So they flock to our states, to our cities, and brazenly, shamelessly, demand we change. So many millions come that they have little reason to assimilate as they carry their culture, their loyalties, their language and their Catholic religion with them. By the dogged weight of mass and a high birth rate they will soon alter our society. Yet, these same illegals marching in America could force reforms in their own homeland if only they harnessed the revolutionary fervor they've shown here.

    As it is our southern border stands in jeopardy of being ultimately re-drawn as the sovereignty of our southwestern states is being contested by fanatical Mexican agitators. The strongest nation in the world is being held hostage to the ever increasing demands of a poor, undereducated, and illegal multitude. These "undocumented immigrants" have been encouraged to invade our land by Mexico's government. And they've been warmly welcomed by avaricious U.S. businesses seeking to increase profits at any cost. Suddenly, America is no longer a harmonious nation, but one gripped in the vise of drastic demographic upheaval.

    As individuals, illegal aliens can be good or evil, caring or callous, hard working or lazy, but few can be blamed for seeking a better life. You and I, walking in their shoes would likely find it hard to act differently. But these depressed hordes impact our own poor, our minorities, our own hard working citizens, and our legal immigrants.

    It is Mexico's president, our president, our own politicians, our businesses, and even we, ourselves, who are culpable. We've been uncomplainingly accepting of the selfish agenda of those who now would willingly sell all of America for $2000 and back taxes from every illegal "immigrant". We've slept secure in the cocoon of everyday comforts, and were unmindful of persistent incursions into our sovereign borders. Now we find ourselves betrayed, our nation in danger from both within and without.

    How has this happened to America which has long been the beacon of freedom and opportunity for most of the world's struggling populations? Maybe we've fallen victim to our own advertised success as a nation. But now we must wake up to the harsh reality that our lifeboat cannot hold every needy person in the world. It may sound cruel, but it's the truth. If we maintain that we can take in as many millions as choose to come, prepare for an adjustment in your lifestyle. For the wealthy this shall pose few problems, for the middle class it shall pose some significant problems, for the poor, the elderly, the underprivileged, it shall be a catastrophe beyond imagining.

    It is hardly arguable that the entire third world wants to emigrate here. So America must be judicious, it must have an immigration policy that is both equitable, realistic, and just. To which worthy and desperate peoples shall we best apportion a small share of the American dream? Will it be those who are in dire peril in their own lands, those who suffer and hope and wait patiently and dream of a life full of freedom and opportunity? We are open to immigration, but where can we draw the fairest line?

    If poverty is a valid criteria we should aim to take more immigrants from Zimbabwe, Angola, Zambia, Chad, Haiti and Guetemala and other poor nations. If we, in kindly conscience, focus on immigrants fleeing harsh regimes we should admit more asylum seekers and "boat people" or religious and political refugees from countries such as Uzbekistan, Cuba, the Sudan, and Sierra Leone. There we shall surely find deserving people of all ages and educational status who are desperate to find safe harbor. Yes, it would be admirable if we could offer shelter to every human being who is suffering or deprived, but we cannot.

    In any case, the choice of who are to be our newest citizens may not be up to us. We are now being dictated to by those who have no legal right to be here, by those whose every strident demand is immediately rewarded by our own elected politicians.

    Still, in the final analysis, Mexico has done itself no favors by chasing off it's sturdiest, healthiest citizens. Eventually it shall find its own missing workers replaced by those from central America. Unless a rebellious voice calls back the illegal horde to take back the nation that has found them so disposable, unless a national hero arises who will call for an economic revolution, unless their own government reforms to serve its citizens fairly we shall be forced to provide that which Mexico refuses to provide.

    Will we eventually have to re-draw our borders? Possibly. What is a nation after all? History has shown that nations cannot to be contained forever within lines drawn on a map. There are no irreversible boundaries. All can be lost by war or attrition.

    Can America's destiny change this swiftly, this apocalyptically? If we wear blinders, if we don't care, yes it can. If we assume that someone else will email, phone or write those who should enforce our country's laws, yes it can. When you awake in the morning, be sure to look outside.

    "Oh, say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
    O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"
    “Homeland Security? What Homeland Security ?”

  2. #2
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Are you prepared for a new border?

    Will we eventually have to re-draw our borders? Possibly. What is a nation after all? History has shown that nations cannot to be contained forever within lines drawn on a map. There are no irreversible boundaries. All can be lost by war or attrition.
    Ronald Reagan said: "A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation"

    I agree. Who doesn't?

    Can America's destiny change this swiftly, this apocalyptically? If we wear blinders, if we don't care, yes it can. If we assume that someone else will email, phone or write those who should enforce our country's laws, yes it can. When you awake in the morning, be sure to look outside.
    It can and it is. This is the most important battle in the history of the United States. Quiet, sneaky, slick, smooth....talking points perfected to an amazing degree....Congress Bought and Sold....White House Gone....who is left but US to save our nation from the invasion?


    Hastert is not perfect, in fact, bad but easier to control than BUSH and CHENEY.

    We sadly have no other choice.

    Then when he screws up, we'll impeach him.

    Then the next, and the next....until someone sits in the Oval Office committed to representing American Citizens and protecting the United States.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2006
    I agree we have been sold out by our government.

    The only thing to do is vote them out - every last one of them. =
    except Tancredo.

    Just think about it - he would have seniority in the House - heck, he would BE seniority in the house.

    Vote them out - it is just that simple - and do it again and again. We must do it while we still have a vote that counts. This may be the most important election in the history of this country.

    As for not blaming them - sorry I do.

    If someone told you the bank doors were unlocked and you could go get all the money you wanted - would you?

    They know what they are doing, and they know who is suffering - they don't care.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Lone Star State of Chaos
    There are some excellent reps..let's be sure we get the ones that are not doing their jobs rather than ridding ourselves of those that are working very hard.

    Rep. Ron a staunch constitutionalist and it would serve us well to have him as president..

    Rep. Louie Gohmert....a first termer re-electable this year is also against open borders, illegal immigration. I heard him speak the other day and he could have taken his words right out of my mouth. 'Seal the borders before we attempt to deal with the immigrants.' sez he...and other good words that we would all recognize as our goal.

    Of course, not sealing the borders makes no sense whatsoever. That's the definition of insanity...doing the same thing again and again ( turning them back at the border and they just try again in the next 30 minutes) and expecting a different result.

    Mustang Jo (formerly RoadRunner)

  5. #5
    Senior Member Mamie's Avatar
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    Sweet Home Alabama
    Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    I think this is what you call American citizens -- tired of being forgotten for their own government, poor from having jobs exported and workers imported
    "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it" George Santayana "Deo Vindice"

  6. #6
    Senior Member Coto's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    You might recall

    You might recall when Jimmy Carter gave away the Panama Canal - soverign US territory. He gave it to Omar Torreos and taxpayers paid Panama to take it!

    Well, I know if McCain had his way, he would cede Arizona to Mexico; Teddy Kennedy would cede half the US to Mexico. So, which administration will be the first to start the processes to cede half the US to either Mexico or the Communist Azt land? Will it be this administration or the next under Hillary?

    What part of "We don't owe our jobs to India" are you unable to understand, Senator?

  7. #7
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Hmmmm, I don't think the next administration will be under Hillary but I think that Bush will give it away if it's going to be done. He is way too buddy-buddy with them not to do that.
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  8. #8
    Senior Member Judy's Avatar
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    Aug 2005
    I heard the Panamanians gave control over the Panama Canal to China, Communist China.

    Alot of Americans worked so hard on that project and many died from Malaria.

    But Jimmy Carter didn't care about them or US.

    I'm not sure besides Ronald Reagan when we the last President was that cared about US.

    Anyone want to venture a guess? It's been awhile though.

    A Nation Without Borders Is Not A Nation - Ronald Reagan
    Save America, Deport Congress! - Judy

    Support our FIGHT AGAINST illegal immigration & Amnesty by joining our E-mail Alerts at

  9. #9
    Senior Member JuniusJnr's Avatar
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    Apr 2005
    Hmmmm, the only President I have ever felt actually cared about anything but his own fame and fortune in my lifetime was former President Gerald R. Ford. He took a job he didn't want at a time when his country needed him. I'd call that true patriotism.

    The rest? In my opinion, they were in it for the glory-- to a man. But I'll only go forward from Ford, even though there were other presidents in my lifetime. Except to say that the president I despised the most was Lyndon B. Johnson. I have two dead cousins and a warped brother thanks to him.

    Some were worse than others, that is for sure.

    Carter? Five years ago, I'd have told you he was the most unqualified president we ever had. I used to think he was just too kind a guy to deal with Iran but now I realize he was just too dim-witted. Nevertheless, in terms of being unqualified, he now has to get in line behind Bush Jr.

    Reagan? I think if he had been elected before he lost his marbles he may have been more effective. He gave us a scapegoat (Oliver North) and an amnesty program that opened the floodgates that brought us us the 20 million illegals we have today. His stupid remarks were legendary. I was bitterly disappointed in him.

    Bush, Sr? He was a hell of a lot smarter than his offspring but I've come to dislike him more than I ever liked him. The flashlight that got shined on his dealings with Arab princes for the sake of the oil barons tells me what he really is. When he took to wandering around all over the world with Clinton, I lost all respect for him. I wonder if Clinton taught him how to cheat on his wife.

    Clinton? Pffffttttt! I was so ashamed of him. I was in a foreign country when he was making a horses behind out of himself telling the grand jury that he didn't know what sexual relations are. He taught our kids to be immoral by example. You have no idea how horrible it feels to know the entire world is laughing at your President. I think that one act of abject stupidity negates anything he even MIGHT have accomplished if he hadn't wasted so much of his time defending himself against impeachment.

    And we all know what we have now G"W"orge Bush. God help us all! What have we done?

    Do you think we will ever have a real president again? One whose job wasn't purchased but won fair and square at the polls through character and intelligence?
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Hillary could not even run her own household what makes you think she even has a chance at being president. Bush is killing the Republican Party. If the rest of the Republicans keep following that looser, they will loose what little respect they have left. Right now that’s something they cannot afford. The problem is very very few liberals in office will give the illegal’s the boot because they look at them as future votes so who do you vote for. All I would like to see just once is a politician that has integrity, honesty and will listen to the will of the people. There is one to add to the endangered species act.
    The first requisite of a good citizen in this republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his own weight.
    Theodore Roosevelt

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