In georgia, where we have at least 2-4 million illegals of different nationalities statewide, who don't pay for anything, here is their solution:

We are on a water ban, and have been for a couple of years with a total ban since summer. Can't clean porch, wash a car, water plants, nothing.

They are going to RAISE water bills to encourage less use, even though the Metro area has cut water use by 10%. In suburbs and outlying areas where most illegals live, there has been no reduction in water use.

The idiot solution is to raise everyone's bill and discourage water use. Why not fine those that use more than their share, like 10 illegals to a 1 bedroom apartment. Fine the slum lord. Fine the businesses like COKE and PEPSI, the biggest users in the state??

Instead another "solution" that takes money from the poor and middle class to support businesses and deadbeats that don't pay.

Their are plenty of car washes that employ illegals operating. Why not shut them down first?

I resent having to pay an illegal to wash my car.