• New National Wave of Protests Against Obama, Illegal Immigration, & Ebola Oct. 24-25

    New National Wave of Protests Against Obama, Illegal Immigration, & Ebola Oct. 24-25

    October 20, 2014

    James Neighbors, Founder of Overpasses For America (405) 788-0266 overpasses@gmail.com
    William Gheen, President of ALIPAC (866) 703-0864 WilliamG@alipac.us

    A growing coalition of grass roots groups are working hard to organize a new wave of national protests against illegal immigration & against Obama's abuses of immigration laws that will take place October 24-25 on overpasses, at intersections, and at Mexican consulates and state houses across America!

    Rapidly growing list of protest times and locations at this link...

    After making history in July with more than 300 protests nationwide in a 24 hour period, this next wave is designed to remind voters that Obama's policies are on the ballot in the November 4, 2014 midterm elections and which may become American's last chance to rebuke Obama and put a stop to his plans to decree amnesty for millions of illegal aliens before year's end! A new twist to this next wave of events will be protesters wearing medical face masks to protest Obama allowing Ebola into America.

    "We need a Democrat apocalypse on November 4 and then to go after the Republicans facilitating Obama's dictatorial abuses of power and immigration reform amnesty, which are designed to permanently destroy America's borders, the Constitution, and the Republic!" said William Gheen President of ALIPAC. "Obama won't stop Ebola from entering America because to do so he would have to stop his immigration reform plans and illegal immigration!"

    Some protesters will carry signs opposing Obama's plans to allow non American Ebola patients to be brought into America while refusing to stop non essential travel from Ebola infection areas. Others plan to wear face masks and bio suits in protest increasing the visual display attracting public attention with American flags and signs!

    "Illegal immigration, Obama's abuses of power, and his refusal to properly address the Ebola threat are some of the top issues of the 2014 campaigns!" said James Neighbors founder of Overpasses for America. "We want to rally Americans and our protesters in October to engage in the campaigns and elections that need voters, volunteers, and donors to go after every politician who is part of these nationally destructive problems!"

    American citizens who are angry about Obama and his actions that put American communities and lives at risk through his use of dictatorial power to overcome America's existing laws and Constitution are encouraged to join the protest closest to them on Oct 24-25. If there is not a protest near you, you can create one by sending in your information to Protests@alipac.us and by joining your state's Overpasses for America Facebook group listed on the events list (Click here).

    This article was originally published in forum thread: New National Wave of Protests Against Obama, Illegal Immigration, & Ebola Oct. 24-25 started by ALIPAC View original post