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  1. #1
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    38,000 people granted American citizenship at 175 ceremonies 9/17-23

    Citizenship dream comes true for 138 new American citizens in Phoenix

    Welcoming new American citizens

    Alexis Egeland and Saundra Wilson, The Republic | azcentral.com7:59 a.m. MST September 20, 2016

    In honor of Constitution Week, which is celebrated this year Sept. 17-23, more than 38,000 people will be granted American citizenship at over 175 naturalization ceremonies across the country.

    The Phoenix ceremony swore in 138 new citizens who came from 33 countries.

    The auditorium was packed with those waiting to become citizens, hundreds of family members and friends, and about 1,000 high school students. Educators at the west Phoenix school had students attend the ceremony so that they could learn about the importance and impact of citizenship.

    Significance of Constitution Week

    Tony Camp, Trevor G. Browne principal, started off the ceremony with a brief history of Constitution Week.

    He explained that Constitution Day, Sept. 17, commemorates the signature of the U.S. Constitution on that day in 1787.

    The observation of the day as Citizenship Day began in 1940 as "I am an American Day."

    After the opening remarks were made, students from the school posted the colors and the national anthem played.

    U.S. military veterans then were asked to stand so they could be recognized.

    Al Gallmann, district director of the Phoenix division of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, introduced the soon-to-be citizens, calling out each of the 33 countries represented. When a country was called, the people from that country stood up to be recognized. Once they were all standing, the Oath of Allegiance commenced, led by USCIS Phoenix Field Office Director John M. Ramirez.

    "Once you take this oath, you'll be citizens," he said. "Are you ready to become citizens of the United States?"

    The crowd went wild.

    After the oath was recited, families and friends of the new citizens cheered, waving mini American flags and calling out to their loved ones.

    "It is my distinct honor and pleasure to address you all as my fellow Americans," Ramirez said. "Congratulations."

    'I am finally an American'

    There were new American citizens from 33 countries at the naturalization ceremony at Trevor G. Browne High School in Phoenix on Sept. 19, 2016. (Photo: Nick Oza/The Republic)

    For one Arizonan, the moment was 16 years in the making.
    Thirty-one-year-old Dulce Matuz, former president of the Arizona DREAM Act Coalition and one of Time Magazine's World's Most Influential People in 2012, took the oath in front of her husband, her 2-year-old son, and her mother and sister, both of whom are undocumented.

    "I know this is my home," Matuz said in a phone interview. "I feel that it's a victory, a personal victory to be able to feel whole because a part of me was missing."

    Matuz came to the United States undocumented on July 4 over 16 years ago at age 15. She attended Arizona State University, graduating in 2009 with a degree in electrical engineering despite the effects of Proposition 300, which increased tuition for students without legal status, Matuz said.

    Shortly after the ceremony, Matuz registered to vote, calling the very emotional moment a big milestone in her life.

    "I'm gonna be able to represent not just myself, but I'm gonna represent a lot of people and I'm gonna remember all the painful sacrifices we had to make to come to this country," Matuz said.

    Chad Gestson, superintendent of the Phoenix Union High School District, addressed the group after the oath, explaining the importance of getting involved in the government as a United States citizen.

    "Citizenship is a verb, not a noun," he said. "Citizenship is active, not passive. ... It is essential as a citizen of this country to be engaged."

    Gestson encouraged the group to register to vote and to cherish their newfound liberties and freedoms.

    Trevor G. Browne's student body president led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance before a message from President Barack Obama was played, welcoming the new citizens.

    To conclude the ceremony, a video montage with "America the Beautiful" was played, and the citizens were handed their official certificates of citizenship.

    At this point, families and friends flooded the center of the auditorium where the now-citizens were seated. Tears, cheers and flags filled the auditorium as loved ones embraced their friends and relatives.

    "I am finally an American," one woman cheered as she left the auditorium with her family, waving an American flag with her certificate of citizenship in hand.

    How many citizens were sworn in from each of the 33 countries represented?

    Bangladesh - 1
    Burma - 1
    Canada - 4
    China - 3
    Cuba - 3
    Dominican Republic - 1
    El Salvador - 2
    Guatemala - 2
    India - 1
    Iran - 2
    Iraq - 1
    Israel - 1
    Jordan - 1
    Kenya - 2
    Kosovo - 1
    Kuwait - 1
    Liberia - 2
    Mexico - 84
    Nicaragua - 2
    Nigeria - 2
    Peru - 1
    Philippines - 5
    Somalia - 1
    South Africa - 1
    South Korea - 2
    Spain - 1
    Syria - 1
    Tanzania - 1
    Thailand - 1
    Togo - 1
    United Kingdom - 3
    Vietnam - 2
    Zimbabwe - 1
    Source: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
    Last edited by JohnDoe2; 09-23-2016 at 03:56 PM.

    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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