OK folks. Things seem to be heating up down there! I fear for our border patrol agents. I think we should start contacting the national guard and let them know what is going on! Hell, the government probably isn't! I think they would be on our side! Go to www.americanpatrol.com to view. It is at the top of their page.

Mexican Army Aggression?
American Border Patrol's Border Hawk Circles Action

Mexican Army Humvee left, BP vehicle right -- Screen grab from ABP Border Hawk UAV. (June 1)
Took Aggressive Position
Arizona/Mexico Border - June 1
A Mexican Army Humvee was observed passing a stationary Border Patrol vehicle on the opposite side of the border. The Humvee immediately reversed course pulling onto a side road and behind cover. A number of troops were seen emerging from the Humvee, taking up aggressive positions against the BP vehicle. ABP UAV operator, a former Army sniper, recognized the move as aggressive and notified the BP Naco station. The BP vehicle then left the scene.
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