Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's hometown, San Francisco, just launched an $83,000 PR media campaign that will actively encourage waves of illegal aliens to sneak across the border.

The massive media blitz will include television and radio ads, billboards and bus signs, and brochures distributed at police stations and hospitals.

The simple and sinister purpose... to assure illegal aliens that they will have safe access to ALL city services -- no questions asked, no IDs checked... services that are supported by the tax dollars of hard-working Americans and legal immigrants all over the country.

Or to put it in the words of San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom:

"We're inviting people to come out of the shadows and take advantage of services."

Of course, these ads -- written in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese and Russian -- really say, in effect:

Come one, come all. And when you sneak across the border, make your way to San Francisco because hard-working American citizens and legal immigrants will pick up your bills from cradle to grave!

Don't worry about working, we'll give you welfare. Don't worry about hospital bills, hard-working American taxpayers have got that covered for you.

Don't worry about educating your children; you won't have to pay a dime and we'll even instruct them in YOUR language so there's no need to worry about something as silly as assimilating.

And if hard-working taxpayers don't like it... TOUGH... They don't have a thing to say about it because we can act with impunity!

What else would you expect from the nation's most in-your-face sanctuary city?

But more importantly, how long will it take for other sanctuary cities across the country to follow San Francisco's example!

It doesn't have to be this way. YOU CAN SAY SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Urge Congress to pass the Clear Act of 2007, which will CUT OFF FEDERAL FUNDS to so-called sanctuary cities!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and the Republican leadership in the House and Senate.

Tell them the American people are boiling mad because Representative Marsha Blackburn's Clear Act of 2007, which has 137 co-sponsors and will CUT OFF FUNDS to these so-called sanctuary cities is still stuck in committee after six months.

There is no more excuse to wait. Failure to act will only be seen by sanctuary cities as a green light to act with impunity and waste more hard-earned tax dollars -- your tax dollars -- to fund the mass migration of illegal aliens into the United States!


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If We Don't Act, San Francisco Won't Be The Last City To Thumb Its Nose At The American People!

The consequences of San Francisco's hubris are all too obvious. Consider the predictable next steps for all rogue municipalities that are likely to follow suit:

First tell illegal aliens you'll protect them from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) -- even if they have rap sheets. In other words, they are saying that Rule #1 in America: You don't have to obey its laws.

Next, spread the word that sanctuary cities will ensure illegals and their families will receive taxpayer-funded support from the cradle to the grave.

And third, parade your defiance of our nation's laws before the entire world, inviting more illegal border crossings.

Look at it this way: San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York, and many more are evolving into "city-states." They've sprung up all over the country, declaring their independence from the rule of law.

The U.S. Constitution reserves rights to the states and to the American people...

But the Constitution does not give rogue cities the right to VIOLATE FEDERAL LAW. These sanctuary cities are eroding the rule of law, one law at a time.

When it comes to taking federal tax dollars for welfare programs, it's "God Bless America!" But when it comes to turning illegal aliens with criminal records over to ICE, San Francisco politicians thumb their noses at the Stars and Stripes.

So where is the outrage? Why aren't the TV anchors and newspaper columnists in San Francisco, New York and Los Angeles reporting about such an erosion of the rule of law in our country?

Where are the Special Reports, the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorials, the four-part articles in The New Yorker and the Washington Post?

You and I will have to supply the outrage, and demand that our elected leaders in Washington put a stop to this madness right here and right now.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and the Republican leadership in the House and Senate.

Tell them the American people are boiling mad because Representative Marsha Blackburn's Clear Act of 2007, which has 137 co-sponsors and will CUT OFF FUNDS to these so-called sanctuary cities is still stuck in committee after six months.

There is no more excuse to wait. Failure to act will only be seen by sanctuary cities as a green light to act with impunity and waste more hard-earned tax dollars -- your tax dollars -- to fund the mass migration of illegal aliens into the United States!


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Nor Is San Francisco The First City To Thumb Its Nose At The American People!

Newsom isn't the only mayor who shows his contempt for the rule of law.

There's Mayor Bloomberg of New York City, where five men -- four of them illegal aliens -- attacked a mother of two. She described them as "a pack of wild wolves in search of prey."

Here is her account of what they did to her:

"They savagely dragged me like an animal, like a piece of furniture, and took me to a secluded area of the park, a hut, a foul place that smelled so bad that not even animals should be made to be there... ."

Three of the four illegal aliens had criminal records, including a conviction for abducting a woman and locking her in a basement. Two had done time.

Why were these men still in the United States of America?

Because the vicious acts described above occurred in New York City -- and for a decade, New York has maintained a policy that forbids any agency from reporting illegal aliens to federal immigration authorities.

Recently, a Federal Court ordered this sanctuary city to change its policy. So Mayor Michael Bloomberg drafted a new policy -- one that instructed New York workers NEVER TO ASK ANYONE'S IMMIGRATION STATUS.

So if you don't know four convicted criminals are in the United States illegally, you can't turn them over to the feds for deportation, can you?

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and the Republican leadership in the House and Senate.

Tell them the American people are boiling mad because Representative Marsha Blackburn's Clear Act of 2007, which has 137 co-sponsors and will CUT OFF FUNDS to these so-called sanctuary cities is still stuck in committee after six months.

There is no more excuse to wait. Failure to act will only be seen by sanctuary cities as a green light to act with impunity and waste more hard-earned tax dollars -- your tax dollars -- to fund the mass migration of illegal aliens into the United States!


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Doing The Jobs Americans Won't Do?

Six Texas mayors from border towns are actually threatening to sue the U.S. government to block the border fence and stop the tightening of border security. Laredo Mayor Raul Salinas said: "We have to protect our property and we will do whatever is necessary to ensure there is no wall."

WHAT property is Salinas talking about? The border fence will protect the property of farmers and ranchers.

These six mayors are playing politics with our nation's border security, shamelessly catering to agri-business in South Texas.

With a patient smile and a shrug of his shoulders, one international business spokesperson explains: These good and simple folks are doing jobs Americans refuse to do.

Oh really?

Rich Lowry has pointed out in National Review:

"According to a new survey by the Pew Hispanic Center, illegals make up 24 percent of workers in agriculture, 17 percent in cleaning, 14 percent in construction, and 12 percent in food production. So 86 percent of construction workers, for instance, are either legal immigrants or Americans, despite the fact that this is one of the alleged categories of untouchable jobs."

Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies makes a similar point:

"If the supply of foreign workers were to dry up (say, through actually enforcing the immigration law, for starters), employers would respond to this new, tighter, labor market in two ways. One, they would offer higher wages, increased benefits, and improved working conditions, so as to recruit and retain people from the remaining pool of workers. At the same time, the same employers would look for ways to eliminate some of the jobs they now are having trouble filling. The result would be a new equilibrium, with blue-collar workers making somewhat better money, but each one of those workers being more productive."

Economist Phillip Martin of the University of California at Davis -- who specializes in agricultural economics -- analyzed the guest-worker program of the 1960s and found that when the cheap labor was withdrawn, remaining workers received a 40% increase in wages.

So with this huge rise in wages did the cost of fruits and vegetables spiral out of sight? Nope. In fact, American consumers barely felt the bump.

Martin figures that if those jobs did not go to illegal aliens, the increased wages for legal American workers would cost the average family ABOUT $10 PER YEAR MORE FOR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES!

So don't let the politicians hustle you and don't let the International Business Lobby make you sweat. You can tell yourself with certainty: There is no job Americans won't do for a reasonable wage.
Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax messages to President George W. Bush and the Republican leadership in the House and Senate.

Tell them the American people are boiling mad because Representative Marsha Blackburn's Clear Act of 2007, which has 137 co-sponsors and will CUT OFF FUNDS to these so-called sanctuary cities is still stuck in committee after six months.

There is no more excuse to wait. Failure to act will only be seen by sanctuary cities as a green light to act with impunity and waste more hard-earned tax dollars -- your tax dollars -- to fund the mass migration of illegal aliens into the United States!


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Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

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