Floridians for Immigration Enforcement


U.S. House on verge of biggest immigration disaster for American communities and workers since 1990 Act.

U.S. House negotiators are accepting Specter's 350,000-a-year immigration increase in budget bill.

The House and Senate are expected to vote any day now on the Conference Report on the Budget Reconciliation bill which includes a provision to add 350,000 permanent foreign workers and family to the U.S. workforce EVERY YEAR.

Call your Representative and two Senators immediately. It is imperative they hear from you in opposition to this increase.

Click the link below to get instructions on making your phone call. We still have a chance to turn this thing around if congressional offices have their switchboards jammed by angry constituents about something that most of the staff will know nothing about. Your job is to let them know that this is VERY, VERY important.


As always, please be polite when you call. We suggest making your one or two most important points immediately, as some staffers will not have a lot of time to spend on the phone.
DC Office of Senator Bill Nelson
Washington, DC


District Office of Senator Bill Nelson
West Palm Beach, FL


DC Office of Senator Mel Martinez
Washington, DC


Jacksonville Office of Sen. Mel Martinez
Jacksonville, FL


Talking point: Increasing total annual immigration by a third per year is not incidental. I am opposed to the 350,000 increase that is included in the Conference Report on the Budget Reconciliation bill.

Talking point: I have to ask you to vote against the Conference Report on the Budget Reconciliation bill because it includes an immigration increase of 350,000.

Talking point: Please protect American workers from a 350,000 increase in permanent immigration by voting against the Conference Report on the Budget Reconciliation bill.

Talking point: I'm calling to ask you to vote against the 350,000 in the Budget Reconciliation Conference Report.

The surprise vote could occur as early as Tuesday.

Everyone should already be signed up for NumbersUSA Alerts:


Your NumbersUSA Capitol Hill Team has been working on rumors all day about this extreme new development and sadly has confirmed it with a Congressman.

At the moment, House Republican negotiators are allowing Specter's radical Senate immigration provisions to stay in this budget bill. This would be the greatest immigration blow to American communities and workers since the 1990 Immigration Act increased annual immigration by a similar amount. Only the 1965 Immigration Act had more disastrous consequences than would the Budget REconciliation bill which easily could come up for a vote this week.

Yes, we came to you when this was going through the Senate and you tried to stop it there. But we always had some strong hope that House leaders would stop the insanity and strip Specter from the Budget bill. We were given many assurances by House Republican leaders that they would not bring the Budget bill back from Conference Committee if it had Specter's 350,000 a year increase.

We think many of these leaders may not even know what is happening because the Budget bill is gigantic and the immigration provisions look like small stuff and are easily overlooked.

Please do not sit on the sidelines on this one!

Your NumbersUSA Capitol Hill Team says that the Specter/Kennedy plan inside the Budget Reconciliation bill would do the following:

1. It would raise the annual cap on permanent employment-based immigration by changing the formula as follows: employment-based visas = 140,000 + any unused family-based visas from the previous year + (the lesser of 90,000 or unused employment-based visas from any prior year).

2. It exempts the spouses and children of employment-based immigrants from counting against the numerical cap, beginning in 2004. (In 2003, workers got 36,210 visas, and their spouses and children got 45,927 visas. Total visas could have more than doubled under this bill.)

3. It adds a fee of $500 per petition for most employment-based visa petitions. (The publicly-stated rationale for all these new greencards is as a money-making scheme to decrease the federal budget deficit.)

4. It allows alien spouses and children of citizens to adjust to Legal Permanent Resident status if the citizen abused them, died, or lost or renounced their citizenship; and it allows alien spouses and children of LPRs to adjust to LPR status if the LPR abused them or died.

5. Anytime the H-1B cap is reached, the lesser of 60,000 or any unused visas in any prior years are added to the cap.

This information provided as a courtesy from www.NumbersUSA.com.

December 5, 2005.

P.O. Box 4207
Hialeah, FL 33014