Hazleton Premiere Wednesday, October 24th 2007, 7:00pm

Cinema and Drafthouse
31 West Broad Street, West Hazleton, PA, 18202


If any one is having problems with ordering tickets in advance from the drafthouse. Please arrive at the theater doors will open at 6:00pm and they will be sold on a first come first served basis.

For those traveling, tickets WILL be avaliable.

Also, tomorrow at 12:00pm, Daniel Smeriglio and Andrew Woodring will be live on Channel 13 news at 12 with replays through out the day. You can also watch online at www.ssptv.com. They will also be on WYLN 35 news through out the day tomorrow and Wednesday. Also on Wednesday morning they will be on the Gary Sutton radio show out of York PA on WSBA 910am starting at 10am. Please if you can find the time tune in and enjoy!

Please ladies and gentlemen, help spread the word about BORDER! It is up to all of our hard work to make the opening night with Chris Burgard the director, present a success!

Also: Please e-mail us with what compacity that you would be able to assist us in making the Vicente Fox protest one of the biggest protests around! We now have fliers and we are ready to go out there and continue to spread the word! A special thank you goes out to Dan "Digger" Amato of Diggers realm, and Ruth Miller of Illegal Protest for going out at the Lakewood New Jersey rally and spreading the word about our upcoming events! Also, Dr. Gayle Kesselman for taking the time out of her busy schedule in order to help us, it is very much appreciated!