A press conference/rally conceived and paid for by SC Minuteman group from Horry and LowCOuntry Chapters was attended by about 150 people who represented many cooworkers who regretted they could not attend this weekday function. Twelve SC MCDC members were in attendance from Horry and County and the Low Country chapter as well as some upstate SC Minuteman Project members.

No legislators chose to attend the forum even though Monday is a day off for them. Four senatorial candidates spoke: McBride, Witherspoon, Connelly and Carnes.

The event was begun and ended with a prayer for America.
The South CArolina Coalition on Immigration Reform speakers included
Mike Griffin from SC Contractors, Roan Garcia-Quintana with AmericansHaveHadEnough.com and Margaret Thompson, Clemson city councilwoman who noted that she was the ONLY elected official to attend.
I regret that I forgot the name of the pastor and another man who gave a very good speech. I am really tired or I would look it up.

Thank you to all who attended. Terry Funderburk-The Lone Protester, Lee with www.numberssc.com and Pat Wheat with StopTheNorthAmericanUnion.com were in attendance.

We thank the hundreds of people who took time from work to travel to Columbia. Extra thanks to people who handed out literature and brought signs.

I do not know if the ABC Affiliate put anything on the evening news. The Latino Assc. of Charleston made front page news 3 weeks ago so we were anticipating at least the same treatment and we got it. There was a decent amount of pulp press that was suprisingly objective.

Below are two articles:
2. www.thestate.com/business/story/342421.html

Thank you ALIPAC for this forum. Kendra