Dear Faxer:

Tell President Bush and Secretary Chertoff NO guestworker-amnesty bill due to misconduct at USCIS

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An October 3rd Washington Times article revealed shocking information about charges of misconduct at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The article begins, "The agency charged with admitting immigrants to the United States is in disarray, an internal investigator told closed congressional briefings last week, with employees facing thousands of charges of misconduct and having to make decisions on letting in foreigners without knowing whether there are national security risks. You can read the article online here.

The article indicated that USCIS employees face 2,500 misconduct charges, including bribery. Furthermore, up to 1,300 immigration adjudicators do not have access to the database necessary to conduct background checks.

Perhaps the most troubling information revealed in the article is the fact that individuals with known terrorist connections may have received green cards due to the agency's inability to conduct sufficient background checks.

The Washington Times article suggests that DHS cannot handle its current workload and that national security is suffering as a result of misconduct and workload.

The article should immediately put to rest any talk of a guestworker-amnesty program..

Send this fax to President Bush and Secretary Chertoff expressing outrage with the information revealed in the Washington Times article and asking them to immediately drop any support for a guestworker-amnesty program.

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