So Howard Dean wants me to send him money. He says he's got a MATCHING donor that will even contact me by e-mail to thank me for my largesse. I had to send him a reply...


Thank you so much for the opportunity to screw MYSELF!

My number 1 issue this November is immigration. As a working-class American I have been subjected to the wage deflation AND job scarcity directly caused by our open borders and lack of immigration law enforcement. Our local schools are bursting at the seams with children who are illiterate in Spanish AND English. Every year the local taxes go up to build more roads, schools and jails.

Other than Robert Byrd and Gene Taylor, what does the Democrat Party have for me, the poor American citizen that's paying for your misguided fiasco?

This year I'm not voting FOR anyone, I think. I'm going to vote AGAINST. 'Comprehensive' Immigration reform? AGAINST. Increase legal immigration? AGAINST. The NAU and SPP? AGAINST. Earmarks? AGAINST. Globalists in sheep's clothing? AGAINST.

I don't think I'm a Democrat anymore because I DON'T RECOGNIZE YOU. Please remove me from your e-mail lists. Thank You.