"What if they gave a war and no one came....?"

If every soldier knew that wars were planned in banking boardrooms for power, control of resources, and population reduction, and we were propagandized through the media in order to use us as weapons against each other in ritual sacrifice, then no one would go.

Remember that one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Bankers decide, politicians promote, religions divide, and media propagandizes

There are over 6 Billion of us on this planet, the majority of who must recognize this if we are to have peace.

Join us every 15th!

Don't Buy...........

Any corporate products, politics, religions, "ism's" or media lies that divide us and pit us against each other. Research for yourself, think for yourself, question your beliefs, especially your core beliefs, in order to understand whether or not you chose them, or they were chosen for you. Have the courage to look for your own truth, no matter where it leads, and stand for that truth, your truth, when you find it. Then share what you know.

Don't Comply.....

By supporting corporate stocks, bonds, or institutions that gamble in derivatives or advocate war or other's losses in order to benefit. Don't believe mainstream media or tv, both weapons of mass distraction, privately owned and promoting fear along with government propaganda. Believe in the research you do yourselve, believe in self-sufficiency, believe in family and community, as well as individual and state sovereignty. Believe in the power of Love and Humanity.

Ask Why.......?

The same family bloodlines are in power who have been for generations, living in wealth and abundance, at the expense of us all? Why the inequality? Why the fear? Why the suppresion of free speech? What is Freedom anyway, and do we have it? What happened to our country, America, the Constitutional Republic which recognized our God Given Rights of Life, Liberty, Property and Happiness? Why the privatization of the Gulf Oil Spill, which will affect us all? Does population control figure into it? What about evacuation and fema camps? Why the foreign military presence in our country....??

Will we create a future we all can live with...

Or continue to support policies that are destroying us and our planet?

CALL YOUR MIS-REPRESENTATIVES! 877-851-6437 & 866-220-0044 - Toll free numbers to the House Switchboard. Tell them who you want to speak to, or give them your zip code & they'll connect you. THEN TELL THEM YOU ARE JOINING THE CORPORATE MONTHLY ECONOMIC BOYCOTT AND WILL CONTINUE TO DO SO UNTIL THEY HONOR THEIR OATHS OF OFFICE AND SERVE THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE. Or continue to get used to this type of treatment............because it's coming our way.


http://www.infowars.com/video-of-swat-r ... ri-family/






Watch Aaron Russo's documentary:





$52 Billion profits for the private federal reserve




WHAT DOES WAR COST US? www.costofwar.com

*BLUE, a NATIONAL STRIKE state Co-ordinator from Tennessee has a great idea.."

"Members of Congress should be compelled to wear uniforms just like NASCAR drivers so we could identify their corporate sponsors."



More from the Taxfree15 group here at the link provided..



PS also a link for End the Party down at the bottom

Join the national strike: taxfree15.com
Consider the following...

Do you want to be free, or do you want to be a slave? Are you willing to think for yourself, or do you need to be told what to think? Rather than trying to cram a bunch of facts on this site to tell you what to think, we will present a thought provoking presentation posing important questions and issues for one to research for themselves and form their own opinions. I would highly recommend taking your time with the research and looking at ALL points of view to get a complete picture. You will gain a much greater understanding of things by doing this rather than having all of the facts spoon fed on this site, or any site like it. What conclusions you come to will be truely your own. Even if you think you have all of the answers, you must ask yourself where those answers came from, and maybe do some fact checking. If you are right, you will prove it. If you were wrong, you'll find new answers. You have nothing to lose.

It would seem that until recently we had things pretty good. The United States used to be the most respected and prosperous nation on the planet. Through all of the boom times the public became complacent and immersed in frivolous worldly trappings of the instant gratification generation. Now that things are starting to implode the complacency is becoming apathy and people are clinging hopelessly to the things that don't matter while waiting for the government to come save them. The party goes on, yet the solutions never do anything but makes things worse. It is time to end the party and get serious.

If things are ever to get better, it is crucial that everyone thinks for themselves and strives to be aware of what is going on around them. The only way we will ever have what best suits the needs of everyone is for everyone to become involved. Most of the problems we are facing have been allowed to continue because of the inaction of the population.
The Problems?
Do you feel like your interests are being represented in the government? Are your elected servants living up to all of the promises that got them elected? Do you feel like you are better off now than you were 5 years ago? Have you noticed the approval numbers of our congress in free fall? Are you aware of the costs of the wars over seas? Do you know how many people have been killed on BOTH sides? Do you think more taxes will get us out of this depression? How much of the massive legislation that has passed, and is in the process of being passed have you actually read? Do you think that laws should be over 1,000 pages? Do you think your elected servants have had the time to read any of it? Do they even have a clue as to what they are doing? Are you tired of voting for the lesser of two evils? Do you think there is corruption in government? In corporations? Inside the churches? Do you trust the main stream corporate media to report truthfully on important issues?

Do you realize that we are in serious trouble on many fronts? Do you know how we got to where we are today?

Do you think the solution exists in either the right or the left? Do you think it is good that we basically have only two ways of politically thinking about issues? Have you noticed that more often than not our elected servants blindly vote with their party?

Consider what would happen if people are told what to think about all of these issues, and are not allowed to form any of their own opinions. Would we ever have any orignal innovative solutions? Or would we just keep making the same mistakes over and over again?

What is the Federal Reserve? How was it started? How many votes did it take? Is it part of the government, or is it a private corporation? What is fractional reserve lending? What is the IRS? Is there an actual law requiring the income tax?

What has Goldman Sachs been up to?

What's up with this talk of climate change? Is carbon dioxide actually toxic? Have humans caused a significant change in the climate from carbon emmisions? How much CO2 is released from volcanic activity in comparision to human pollution? Do solar cycles play a role in the ever changing climate? If human cause global warming is real, would a carbon tax solve anything? Or would it just be more of the same?

Has the TSA made us any safer?
How did we get here?

There are many factors that have gotten us to this point. The official government issue cause for a great many of our woes is terrorism. Let's examine this. I think we can all agree that terrorism has played a role in the last decade. A nation takes damage from a terrorist event in two phases. Phase 1 is the actual terrorist attack itself. For example, the loss of life and property that happened as a result of the events of September 11, 2001. Phase 2 is the reaction to the event. For example, the wars that followed the attacks, and the legislation passed to "make us safe from the evil terrorists". We have exchanged liberty for security. Read the patriot act(s) and other anti-terror legislation. Research how it is actually being used. Which phase causes the most damage? Is it more important to get to the truth of the September 11th events, or is it more important to deal with the resulting mess? It doesn't matter as much who caused this because it doesn't change the result. However, this is no excuse for the truth to remain hidden.

There is much more going on that just terrorism. Terrorism alone doesn't not account for all the issues. For example, the mortgage crisis and the imploding economy have other causes and enabling factors.

In order to really understand what is at work here, we need to follow the money, or at least try. Let's start by looking at the political campaigns, especially those at the federal level. Do you realize how much money a campaign spends to elect a president? Many orders of magnitude more than that president will make in salary over the 4 year term. For example, in this last election, between Obama and McCain, OVER $1 BILLION was raised, with Obama getting more than 75% of that money. Where did all of this money come from? You will find a google search for this quite revealing. Examine the contributions given to politicians by big companies such as Goldman Sachs and BP. Compare the promises Obama made during the campaign to a list of the agendas of his biggest corporate donors. Ponder for a moment what really happened since he took office. You will want to examine your sentors and representatives in the same way. You can find all of the voting records online. You may start to see patterns emerge. Corporate lobbyists are throwing money around Washington in alarming quantities. Follow this money.

If you could manage to read through some of these large bills without going into a coma, with all of the pork you will find, you will never want for bacon again the rest of your life. Follow that money. There could be a number of reasons that they would want to bloat a bill up to the point its over a foot thick. Ask yourself, how long do you think it will take to read a bill that is over 2,000 pages? Why not try it, and see for yourself? A bill that large becomes time prohibitive to fully read or understand. A possible reason that a bill might bloat like this, is to convolude the law beyond the point where most people can understand it, even if they took the time to read all of it, possibly to hide a bunch of loopholes for special interests. Maybe its just political cover, an effort to keep the public from understanding what has been done to hide agendas that are contrary to the voters. And there is always all of the "Pork Barrel Spending" that gets added to such bills. Many of these only pass because the people voting on them haven't a clue whats really in there, who are taking their position from the party line, or from some lobbyist somewhere. Take some time and look at the voting records in both houses. Even more patterns will emerge. The very process applied to these big bills seems pretty underhanded. Why not make laws that are simple and concise and easily understood by everyone? Seems only fair since ignorance is no excuse when a law is violated. How much has actually changed since the last administration?

Lets ponder the issues that are most important, and compare that to the ones that are most talked about in the mainstream media. This is most clearly seen on the various corporate controlled news outlets. With all that is going on in the world right now, do we really have time to cover all of this extra fluff? Are celebrity scandals really more important than our imploding economy and the massive job losses resulting in the ruin of many citizens? What about the war crimes, torture and abuse? The news we do get is usually hardly more than just a bunch of talking points. There is plenty of real journalism out there, but, you have to go look for it. These stories are being told, but, its not "main stream" popular to talk about it in any meaningful way. You have pundits and talking heads from both sides of the bi-partisan beast endlessly debating over issues, quite often getting heated. They serve up a distraction to get the left and right to argue and fight over issues that are petty in comparison to what they should be worried about.

Why are people that are against the healh care plan labeled racist? Why does anyone that doesn't support Israel no matter what they are doing label antisemites? Is there a divide and conquer campaign against the population?

Recently there have been massive protests against the war, the banker bailout, the health care take over, and taxes. Compare the coverage of our main stream corporate controlled media to that of foreign media with no vested interest in the outcome. Notice anything different? What about the coverage of the G20 in Pittsburgh in September 2009? If you really want to know what happened with those protests, you'll need to search for it on youtube.com and watch all of the videos uploaded by citizens. Does this look like America? Or more like China? Why wasn't the media all over this? Why wasn't the public outraged over this? Previous to this, there was a youtube video of police dealing with some punk kids skateboarding where they shouldn't be. The confrontation got slightly physical, and it blew up in the media as this big police brutality scandal. The officers involved in that were cleared, and if you watch the entire video, there isn't anything they did that was excessive. Can the same be said for how the G20 protests were dealt with? Why was Pittsburgh under martial law? Why were there more riot police and military on the streets than protesters? Why didn't the same thing happen when we had the illegal aliens rioting on May 5th?

What is going on at our southern borders? Why is everyone freaking out about Arizona passing an immigration law that is nearly identical to the federal law already on the books. Why don't they enforce that law?
What can we do about it?

Everyone is all to happy to stand up and demand their rights. Too few people stand up and embrace their responsibility. If you are a citizen of the USA you are a sovereign of your nation. Not only is it your right to get involved in solutions, it is your duty. It is all too easy for people to wait around for someone else to provide them a solution. We as sovereign beings are the masters of our own destiny. There will be no solutions if you aren't willing to step up and make your solutions. You have to be the change you want to see in the world. In the shorter term this is likely to require sacrifice. If you don't sacrifice now you could lose everything later.

It is time to for everyone to be heard. We must make a stand in an effective and peaceful manner. If our voices are not heard, none of this will ever change. You need to form your own opinions and speak out. Stop voting for bought and paid for republicrats! Peaceful non-compliance by pulling out of the system can be effective and beneficial. Join the national strike at taxfree15.com by withdrawing your support of the large out of control corporations.

It is essential to take steps to survive the coming storm. We are all different, and our situations vary widely. As a result of this, there are no cookie cutter survival solutions that are going to work for everyone. You need to get into a survival mindset.

You have to figure out what you need to survive and prioritize. We all need clean water, healthy food, shelter and clothing. We can exist if we have these basic things. Humans lived without electricity, television, indoor plumbing, and modern medicine throughout most of history. The proof of this is that we are still here. Do you need to go without these things to survive? Of course not, but, we absolutely have to have our priorities set. You need to do research on how to provide the things you need and want for yourself. If I spoon feed these kind of solutions I do you a disservice. Your research towards these goals will give you a broader base of knowledge than any single website could ever do. As you research you will be able to apply knowledge to your specific circumstances.

I can however share some basic points that should be considered. The farther you can get away from the population centers the easier of a time you will have providing for and protecting yourself and your family. Getting away from the cities might not be possible for you, and if its not, you should spend some time trying to figure out what is likely to happen where you are at and where the safest places you can get to are. You can grow food just about anywhere if you use hydroponics. You don't have to have a bunch of land or a long growing season to grow indoors. An advantage of this is your farming efforts won't be out there for everyone to see. If you have masses of starving people, its not such a good thing to advertise that you have food.

If the economy totally implodes and all of the money becomes worthless you will need an alternative. Food is king. Everyone needs to eat. Having tools and resources is important. All of this will be better than gold. You will be better off if you can get into a small community of like minded people to trade and collaborate with. There is strength in numbers if there is unity.

When getting into the survival mindset, efficiency and sustainability are very important. You want to embrace the solutions that can be sustained for the long haul. Being efficient is a good way to help achieve this. If you can solve multiple problems with a single solution, all the better. Avoid waste. You might be quite surprised at the things you can do with what you would otherwise consider waste, for example, composting.

If you can get "off the grid" you become independant, and this ensures your freedom. The people that are dependant on the corporations and government to sustain their lives could find themselves in an unimaginable world of hurt. You can only truely depend on yourself. This was the paradigm when this nation was founded. People lived off the land and provided for their own needs. As a result we prospered. We can get this back.

A properly executed survival strategy could find you living a healthier more abundant life than what you have now. Knowledge is the power to be free. You should plan very carefully. All of your plans should have backup plans. And its not a bad idea for the backup plans to have their own backup plans. There is no such thing as over prepared. We don't know exactly what is coming, how it will play out, and how long it will take to return to some sense of normalcy.

Even when things finally improve, it is good to live efficient and sustainable lives where you can provide for yourself and your family. There is never a time where this living paradigm is bad. If enough people embraced this there would be no way for anyone or anything to ever take our freedom away.

I hope that this has been thought provoking enough to get you to look into these things. What you stand to gain is absolutely priceless. We want to hear from you. We are interested in what you find out through your research and your ideas for solutions. The best of the feedback will be posted on the site.

E-Mail us at etp@endtheparty.org.

This site will continue to grow and evolve, so check back from time to time.
