From: "Theresa Harmon"Date: 2007/05/01 Tue PM 06:59:16 EST
Subject: TnRIP Action Alert - More calls needed this week for May 1st.

HB1827 is presently scheduled for vote on the floor of the Tennessee House of Representatives on May 2, 2007. This bill removes provisions in present Tennessee law that provide for the issuance of certificates of driving.

Amendment No. 4 to HB1827 provides as follows: "All written examinations administered to applicants for a driver license or intermediate driver license shall be in English." Amendment No. 4 is sponsored by Rep. Tom Dubois.

Please call the state legislature toll-free at 1-800-449-8366 and respectfully request that your legislator support Rep. Dubois's amendment.

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Calls to U.S. congressmembers are also DESPERATELY needed this week as, in conjunction with the May 1 rallies again this year, the open-borders advocates are urging their supporters to contact congress in support of the amnesty bills currently being debated in D.C. Toll-free numbers are:


If you prefer to contact our members of congress at their local offices, please visit for those addresses and phone numbers.

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Something to keep in mind and share with friends over the next few days: The news media is reporting that supporters of illegal immigration "world-wide" held rallies today, May 1. This is erroneous. May 1 has long been a COMMUNIST celebration and, for the most part, in other parts of the world, had NOTHING to do with illegal immigration. As is too often the case, the mainstream news media is putting its own spin on this issue.
Theresa Harmon
Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies