From: "Theresa Harmon"
Date: 2006/06/28 Wed AM 08:47:39 EDT
Subject: TnRIP: Action Request

In light of the ignoring of what prompted the heavy law-enforcement presence in Morristown over the weekend by the Hannity & Colmes show, we are asking everyone to send an email to Mr. Lou Dobbs at CNN requesting him to pick up the REAL story: the attempt by local government in Hamblen County, Tennessee to effectively shut-down a peaceful rally organized by American Citizens because it was opposing illegal immigration instead of supporting it. In fact, on May 1 of this year, illegals and their supports were allowed to block streets AND carry flag poles in Morristown with practically NO police presence - even from the LOCAL law enforcement and yet, when American Citizens want to rally to show their support for securing our Nation's borders, "Law" enforcement refuse to allow Old Glory to be flown from an aluminum flag-pole calling it a 'potential weapon'. Those rally goers who braved the SWAT teams were searched for anything and everything that might convievably considered a weapon and forced to either surrender those items or return them to their cars before being allowed inside the barricades to listen to the speakers!!

This is an egregious example of a double-standard - one that elevates law-breakers over law-abiding U.S. Citizens and IT MUST STOP NOW!!

In addition to contacting the Lou Dobbs show, we'd also like to ask that you continue to flood elected officials in Morristown, Hamblen County and the State of Tennessee (contact information for all in our "Morristown Updates" section) with phone calls and emails telling them that we, as LEGAL U. S. residents will no longer accept such treatment!

Direct link to Mr. Dobbs' contact form:

Theresa Harmon
Tennesseans for Responsible Immigration Policies

PS - Thank you to EVERYONE who has sent emails to those responsible for this mess and copied us on them!!