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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Dear Friend in Liberty,

    We won the first round of the battle over H.R. 5175, the DISCLOSE Act (which really should be called the Establishment Protection Act), but we've received word that H.R. 5175 could be resurrected for a vote as soon as this Wednesday.

    Your help is needed right away. Even if you have already done so before please call and/or email your congressman immediately:

    Contact Rep. Shelley Berkley at (202) 225-5965 or click here to send an email.

    Last week, we saw a prime example of why the statists want to ram H.R. 5175 through the U.S. House as quickly as they can.

    The vote on DISCLOSE was all set for last Friday, but thanks to your quick action and that of other C4L members and like-minded grassroots activists across the country, the outcry was so great that Pelosi had no choice but to cancel the vote.

    Liberty-minded activists were especially incensed when it was revealed that the NRA and a few other huge insider organizations (like AARP and the Humane Society) got a special deal exempting them from this speech-killing legislation.
    House leaders are close to silencing freedom-loving organizations like C4L so their anti-liberty agenda can sail to victory unopposed.

    Call Rep. Shelley Berkley, at (202) 225-5965 right away and INSIST Congress defend your right to freedom of speech and association.

    This isn't the first time H.R. 5175 has been stalled.

    The bill appeared to be going nowhere until the National Rifle Association bargained for an exemption for itself and a few other large groups. The NRA helped put the bill on the fast track after agreeing to drop its opposition – leaving organizations like C4L -- and true liberty-minded Second Amendment organizations like National Association for Gun Rights and Gun Owners of America -- to fend for themselves and telling us to look out for own interests.

    Free speech is everyone's interest.

    Meanwhile, other organizations that later became exempted, like National Right to Work, have stayed in the fight and stuck to principle by pledging their opposition to the bill.

    Contact the NRA headquarters at 1-800-672-3888 and their Legislative Action group at 1-800-392-8683 and urge them to join other exempted groups in opposing H.R. 5175.

    The Establishment Protection Act could force C4L to hand over its donor lists for doing nothing more than holding our elected officials accountable for their positions and urging them to either support or oppose key legislation.

    They want to know exactly who is opposing them and how much they're spending to do so.

    C4L takes the trust you place in us very seriously, and your privacy should not be sacrificed by a deeply unpopular Congress to score cheap political points in an election year.

    You see, Speaker Pelosi and the Obama White House are doing their best to spin this as a bill to help the little guy. But like the rest of their playbook, the Establishment Protection Act will only enhance their power, entrench their favorite special interests (like exempting the unions from some of the bill's key provisions), and insulate them from accountability.

    I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of watching statists shred the First Amendment.

    Please, call Rep. Shelley Berkley,at (202) 225-5965 immediately and demand the House defend the Constitution and reject H.R. 5175.
    And be sure to call the NRA headquarters at 1-800-672-3888 and their Legislative Action group at 1-800-392-8683 and let them know how you feel about their move to stab freedom organizations in the back. Urge them to drop the deal and stand with these other organizations in opposing the Establishment Protection Act.

    Encouraged by our victory last week, let's turn up the pressure and make sure Congress hears us LOUD and CLEAR – while we still can.

    In Liberty,

    John Tate


  2. #2
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    ACTION ALERT - STOP HR 5175 - The DISCLOSE Act Explained:

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