We need to toughen up immigration rules
The Ottawa Citizen
Published: Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Re: Canadians want illegal immigrants deported, Oct. 22.


I hope government officials will read Jack Aubry's excellent article indicating Canadians want a crackdown on those entering Canada through the back door and take appropriate action.

For far too long, Canadian governments have been willfully blind to immigration queue jumpers. Rather than being penalized, many have been rewarded and allowed to stay in Canada, while those playing by the rules continued to languish.

\People smugglers still see Canada as an ideal dropoff point, as once someone gains entry to this country, they are unlikely to be deported. Anyone entering Canada, even these queue jumpers, is entitled to the full rights and privileges 0f taxpaying Canadians, thanks to the Supreme Court's "Singh decision" emanating from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It is time to review this court decision and hopefully overturn it. This ruling continues to make it impossible to quickly deport anyone, even those posing serious threats to our safety.

Estimates show, although it seems impossible to get real numbers, Canada may have 30,000 or more illegal immigrants under deportation orders at any one time. Many of these individuals have been convicted of serious criminal offences, either here or in their native country, thus posing a threat to us all.

Getting statistics on how many illegal immigrants are in Canada is not reliable, especially if they have entered using such means as container ships or some forms of land transport. Such individuals place additional strain on our already stretched social services, police services and add to our ever rising healthcare costs.

Canada has been built by hard-working immigrants. We need to allow such individuals expeditious entry, while discouraging queue jumpers. The time has come to make the necessary changes to allow easier deportation of those wanting to exploit our hospitality.

With worldwide migration on the increase, the number of illegal immigrants entering Canada can only escalate, unless long overdue remedial action is taken. It is time to reward law abiders and discourage law breakers.

Larry Comeau,
