They have landed on the Air Force Base and now the Airport. Where is Homeland Security? This is unacceptable that they can land in those areas which should have good security. ... -headlines

22 Cuban migrants show up at airport in Key West
Posted April 5 2007, 9:30 AM EDT

KEY WEST -- A group of 22 Cuban migrants showed up at the Key West Airport early Thursday morning, the Monroe County Sheriff's Office reported in an e-mail alert.

The group was in good health, MSO spokeswoman Becky Herrin.

The group included men, women and children of varying ages, from the very young to elderly, according to Airport Security Director Jerome Fain. He said they claimed to have traveled to the United States on a raft made of "buckets and bolts". But no such craft has been found.

The group was taken by bus to the Monroe County Detention Center on Stock Island, and were turned over to federal Border Patrol agents.

Under the country's wet foot- dry foot rule for Cubans, most or all of the migrants will probably be allowed to stay in the United States.