Date: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 2:16 PM
From: Michael Wysong <>
Subject: RE: Senate Amnesty Bill

Col. Harrison:
U.S. border security and immigration is a major concern and high priority issue for the VFW. The VFW is actively engaged in this issue and is urging the Administration and Congress to fast-track funding to departments and agencies responsible to halt the flow of illegal aliens from entering the U.S.; calling upon the Department of Homeland Security to expedite all initiatives to secure the entire U.S. border and all ports of entry; and insisting that the U.S. government aggressively work to identify all illegal aliens and determine who should be deported.

We are also calling on Congress to settle bipartisan differences and work together to secure America’s borders and halt potential threats to the safety and security of this nation and its citizens.

Michael H. Wysong, Director
National Security and Foreign Affairs
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.

From: Mike Harrison []
Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2007 11:39 AM
Subject: Senate Amnesty Bill

I am a VFW member and a past Post Commander. Request you join the American Legion in opposing the amnesty scam for illegal aliens currently being promoted in the US Senate. It is a travesty that will mean the ruin of our great nation. What we need is enforcement of existing immigration law not new laws that reward aliens who broke into our country illegally.

Michael Harrison