The Eight Sins Of John McCain Against Conservatives - And Most Americans
By Digger

I have no love for John McCain and as PoliPundit points out most Conservatives - and Americans in general - lest not forget the eight sins that McCain has committed. I'm sure there are more than these eight, but it is a good start. Not only were these sins committed against Conservatives, but most are against your rights as Americans, against the best interests of the United States but also against the sovereignty of our country.

1. They say God put Republicans on earth to cut taxes. But John McCain was one of only two Republicans to vote against the Bush tax cuts.
2. McCain was the biggest supporter, and co-sponsor, of McCain-Feingold, the greatest assault on free speech in at least three decades.

3. McCain backs all kinds of anti-gun legislation.

4. McCain attempted to give terrorists at Gitmo various “rights.â€