According to reporter for the Valley News, Sarah Carter, when she asked U.S. Attorney Jonny Sutton, who prosecuted agents Ramos and Campeon, what message does it send to border patrol agents to prosecute them for doing their jobs? His reply to her was, what message does it send to Hispanic voters?

Can you believe this crap? I thought the purpose of the U.S. Attorney's office was to protect the public. But apparently, the most important thing to them is to get Hispanic votes.

Tonight on the Glenn Beck Show, Congressman John Culberson was a guest. Here is the transcript of his interview:

Congressman John Culberson, he`s from Texas. He`s the guy who got homeland security to admit that they were lying to Congress.

How mad are you, Congressman?

REP. JOHN CULBERSON (R), TEXAS: Glenn, it`s an absolute outrage. A federal official who has the authority to throw you in prison and destroy your life has an absolute obligation to tell the truth, the absolute truth to the American people. And I and three other members of Congress were deliberately lied to in order to throw us off the scent, to stop us from seeking the truth in this matter.

And this was last September, Glenn, that we met with top investigators with the Department of Homeland Security, inspector general`s office, and we were told flat out. As you said in the intro, these two agents, Ramos and Campean, are bad cops. They`re rogue cops. We said, why do you know that? Because these agents admitted -- we were told these agents admitted under oath to the investigation that they went out that morning to shoot Mexicans, that they were not in fear for their lives. We heard that. Hey, rogue cops, these guys get what they deserve.

Now it turns out in my subcommittee yesterday, and I`m on the subcommittee on -- I`m on the appropriations committee, Glenn, on the subcommittee on homeland security. I asked Inspector General Richard Skinner where are those statements and are they true? These statements were made by your investigators, sir, are they true? And he said, under oath, "I`m sorry, congressman, we misled you. Those statements were not true."

BECK: So what is going to happen?

CULBERSON: I`m going to ask for the inspector general`s resignation. I`m going to ask for the resignation of Lisa Redman, who is the investigator on this case who lied to us directly. I`m going to ask for the resignation of James Taylor, the deputy inspector general and the resignation of Tamara Wagner (ph), who is the other congressional liaison who lied to us directly.

And then I think Congress needs to really dive into this. We need to make sure that these agents are pardoned. I would encourage every American listening to your broadcast tonight to contact the White House, because the president has the power of pardon. And these agents deserve to be pardoned. They were using their best judgment. I`ve met with officer Campean.

BECK: I have to ask you something else, because there`s more outrage to this story than what you just laid out. You also have Johnny Sutton. Now you explain to me, sir, why we have the guy who came across the border, he`s smuggling drugs, he shot at officers. The next time he was nailed, he comes back again with another van full of drugs and Johnny Sutton seals the fact that he had been arrested and pardoned yet again so it couldn`t be used after these two border agents at the trial. Why is someone trying to put these guys in jail?

CULBERSON: Glenn, it`s a question I guess I could answer, and it`s important to understand that congress enacts the law but we cannot execute it. The executive officer of the United States, the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, has to enforce the law and protect the border.

Johnny Sutton is a U.S. attorney for the western district. He`s the one who prosecuted this case. And you`re right, Johnny Sutton and the prosecutor gave immunity to the drug smuggler, who was carrying in a million dollars worth of drugs to the United States.

BECK: Twice. Twice.

CULBERSON: And now the drug smuggler is suing us, the taxpayers. It`s an absolute outrage.

BECK: Congressman, why is this happening? What is the agenda? There are secret combinations happening in Washington. They`re not telling us the truth.

CULBERSON: I`m told that when asked directly by Sarah Carter, a reporter with the "Valley News" in California -- she`s a reporter who`s been following this. Sarah Carter, I am told, asked Johnny Sutton directly what message does it send to Border Patrol agents for you to prosecute these two agents for doing their duty.

Johnny Sutton`s reaction was, I am told, what message does it send to Hispanic voters.
I think that`s an absolute insult to Hispanic Americans, because if you are a law abiding citizen, you want the law enforced, my neighbors -- my neighborhood to be safe and my kids to be safe. We must enforce the law. We need to have the rule of law and order on the border, Glenn. You`re going to have the rule of ploto o plomo (ph), which is the rule of the drug lords. Silver or lead.

BECK: I have to tell you, sir, thank you very much for standing up to this. We will follow this tomorrow. We have much more tomorrow. You do not want to miss tomorrow`s program. Congressman, we`ll be following your progress closely.

Now with a proposed 700-mile fence along the border, guess what happened? In Bush`s new budget, only money for half of the fence. Gee, who predicted that happening?

You know what? But if you`re going to build a fence, it might as well be a really, really good one.