Danbury joining ICE program will lead to racial profiling, ACLU says
Eugene Driscoll

DANBURY — The legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut said Danbury’s participation in a federal program run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement will lead to racial profiling.

The Common Council is considering whether city police should participate in a program that would provide some ICE training in immigration law enforcement.

ACLU legal director Renee C. Redman sent a two-page letter to the Common Council on Wednesday that raised a number of concerns about the ICE proposal.

Redman’s criticisms focus on a one-page memo on the ICE program sent to the Common Council by Danbury Police Chief Al Baker on Dec. 20.

The ACLU takes exception to a statement in the chief’s report that says, “the focus of our participation would be on crimes committed by illegal immigrants.â€