Activist: Send 'Late Great USA' to your senator
Campaign to 'flood' offices with Corsi book before tomorrow's crucial vote

Posted: June 27, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

© 2007

Senators supporting the controversial immigration reform bill resurrected yesterday largely are ignorant of its tie to efforts underway to erase North American borders and merge the U.S. with Canada and Mexico, contends a Capitol Hill activist.

William Gheen, president of Americans for Legal Immigration Political Action Committee,, says he intends to change that before a final vote to end debate on the bill takes place – possibly tomorrow – by mobilizing citizens to flood senators' state offices with copies of WND columnist Jerome Corsi's new book, "The Late Great USA".

A copy of the book can be sent to a senator via

Gheen said at least two senators told him, face to face, they knew nothing of developments taking place under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America agreement the U.S. has with Canada and Mexico in which a broad range of government functions are being streamlined.

Critics of the effort say it is part of an incremental move toward a North American Union. The Bush administration asserts the SPP "in no way, shape or form considers the creation of a European Union-like structure or a common currency."

Gheen said he wants every senator's state office to be flooded with Corsi's book "so that no senator can claim they didn't know about the SPP."

"But we need them to know fast before they push more buttons Thursday," he said.

Gheen wants citizens to target seven key swing votes in addition to their own senators: Democrat James Webb of Virginia and Republicans Richard Burr of North Carolina, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, John Ensign of Nevada, Judd Gregg of New Hampshire and Norm Coleman of Minnesota.

Gheen said "phones are ringing off the hook" at senators' offices as "irate Americans beg them not to vote for the bill."

But most of the senators "are not listening to the citizens," he said.

Gheen also is asking citizens to get a day off from work Thursday and show up at their senators' main state offices when they open, informing staff that as taxpayers and citizens they plan to remaining there quietly until the cloture tally, to find out how their senator voted.

A new poll shows just 22 percent of American's favor the bill, but its supporters in the Senate got the 60 votes they needed to clear procedural hurdles and resurrect it yesterday.

The cloture vote expected tomorrow to close debate, requiring 60 senators, will be followed by a final tally, possibly Friday, which will require only a simple majority.

Send a copy of "The Late, Great USA" to a senator via