Animal Rights Activist Wage their own Battle on the Border

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals adds a twist to the illegal immigration debate.
By KTRH's John Labus
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

PETA wants to hang signs on the proposed border fence to discourage border crossers from coming north - and engaging in our bad eating habits.

"We think that Mexicans and other immigrants should be warned that if they cross into the US, they're actually putting their health at risk by leaving behind a healthier staple diet of corn and tortillas, fruits, vegetables, beans, and rice."

They're also trying to run away from starvation. But PETA's Lindsay Rajt says they may be going from the frying pan into the fire. "People come to the US for a new life, but nine out of ten Americans end up in intensive care because their coronary arteries are clogged."

The proposed ad would read "If the Border Patrol doesn't get you... the Chicken and Burgers will -- go Vegan." William Gheen with Americans for Legal Immigration says he'd like to see our own government do some advertising. "I'd like to see the federal government advertise on those fences, explaining what some of the penalties can be for illegally immigrating to the country."

Gheen says he's surprised PETA is the first group to think about advertising. "The big companies have rolled out a welcome mat. We're sort of surprised that Bank of America hasn't put ATM's near the border fence for the illegals to use on their way here."

Rajt says their effort would pay for itself. "The good thing is that the ad revenue from these would actually help to reduce the cost of the fence for taxpayers. Plus, the ads will promote healthier eating to Mexicans who do enter the US."

In reality, border officials say no one is hanging signs on the new fence. They say it would inhibit their lines of sight while looking for illegal border crossers.

So, what do you think? Should PETA or any corporation be allowed to buy ads along the border fence? You can comment on the KTRH Message Board ... le=4089526