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  1. #11
    Steph's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Tucson, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Dixie
    Illegal Aleins! There's no consiquences! Come on in, get a job, set up house, don't pay taxes...

    How many of those illegal aliens working in Bellingham were evading income taxes and using fake IDs or committing identity theft? They should have been arrested for those crimes.

    I agree with Dixie. Also, while I do think employers need to be responsible and punished, what is the point of releasing the illegal immigrants? They didn't have permission to work, yet they are left in our country, so they obviously go out and find another job, again using phony papers. Now there will be another employer who needs to be punished for hiring them. If we let 20 illegals stay, that's 20 more employers. It's harder to prosecute the employers, and more expensive. Meanwhile, the illegals are still here, and still working, just for a new employer who is now breaking the law. The illegals need to be prosecuted, because by allowing them to stay, knowing they can't legally work, more and more employers will have to be investigated. Take the illegals out of the picture, and employers will have no choice but to hire legal workers.
    They should never be given work permits. That's like giving the drug addict money to buy their drug of choice from another dealer while their dealer is being investigated, to keep them happy and have them stick around and stay in contact with investigators until they testify. They won't stop using, because the gov't is encouraging them to keep it up.

  2. #12
    Senior Member WorriedAmerican's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    they obviously go out and find another job, again using phony papers. Now there will be another employer who needs to be punished for hiring them. If we let 20 illegals stay, that's 20 more employers. It's harder to prosecute the employers, and more expensive. Meanwhile, the illegals are still here, and still working, just for a new employer who is now breaking the law. The illegals need to be prosecuted, because by allowing them to stay, knowing they can't legally work, more and more employers will have to be investigated. Take the illegals out of the picture, and employers will have no choice but to hire legal workers.

    Funny we can all figure this out but the high paid jerks in the Obama Regime can't.
    Don't they know the illegal just gets another job???
    If Palestine puts down their guns, there will be peace.
    If Israel puts down their guns there will be no more Israel.
    Dick Morris

  3. #13

  4. #14
    Senior Member
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    Nov 2008
    Unoccupied Southeast Georgia But Not For Much Longer
    This is just another backdoor illegal alien amnesty since they can't outright try to shove one down our throats and up our posteriors. By halting all interior enforcement Napolitano has given the green light for illegal aliens to violate our laws, borders, sovereignty and use stolen identities to take even more jobs from Americans and avail themselves of our services without paying any taxes to support them. We know damn well Napolitano has absolutely no intention of going after employers as you have to pursue illegal aliens using stolen identities and fraudulent documentation as falsified I-9's to build a case against employers. Obama and Napolitano are in bed with their union masters notorious for hiring illegal aliens which is why Obama killed e-verify to ensure his union handlers could continue hiring illegal aliens for those bullsh!t stimulus projects with taxpayer dollars and to hell with unemployed Americans. The American people need to awaken from their American Idol and Obama induced stupors and see that Obama and Napolitano don't care one iota about Americans struggling to put food on their table and maintain a roof over their heads. It is only about more cheap labor for these wastes of taxpayer dollars and illegal alien voters to maintain their sorry asses at the corrupt table of power.
    There is no freedom without the law. Remember our veterans whose sacrifices allow us to live in freedom.

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