The current issue of Conde Nast's Portfolio magazine features a cover story on Dov Charney, the owner of Los Angeles-based clothing manufacturer American Apparel. This is the same company that employs tons of illegals.

Very illuminating. Looks like Charney is not even an American -- he's Canadian and possibly just a green-card holder. No wonder he has no sense of nationality or citizenship, otherwise he wouldn't be breaking our immigration laws.

As one of his creative directors says in the article: "...we put $100 million a year into the L.A. payroll." I guess this is one of the main reasons Mayor VivaLaRaza fights so mightily against workplace raids in L.A.

American Apparel: Barely Legal

Here's one of the comments at the end of the article:
Dov Charney should get his green card revoked.
He is a criminal employer operating in open
defiance of U..S. Law employing thousands of
illegal aliens and privatizing his profits while
dumping the costs on L.A.(400 million deficit} and
the USA at large and boasting in the L.A.Times that L.A. mayor villaraigosa will continue to protect him from ICE !!