Here are some links to our discussions of the talking points used by amnesty/comprehensive immigration reform supporters. See each link for a summary of the talking point, a description of why it's wrong or misleading, and examples of it being used by those supporters.

"Reform" supporters very rarely say anything new; one of our goals is to simply annotate news reports and editorials with links to the following discussions in order to save time:

•reform not amnesty: discusses the claim that immigration "reform" isn't amnesty.
•amnesty require: a Center for American Progress-inspired talking point designed to appeal to those who support our laws.
•deportations false choice: many supporters offer a false choice between mass deportations and an amnesty, failing to mention attrition.
•immigration line: some supporters claim that amnestied illegal aliens can get in the back of the line for citizenship, but the line doesn't really have an "end". Also discusses the impact that adding millions of new applicants would have both on legal immigrants and on the U.S.
•immigration vulnerable: many supporters try to pull heartstrings by falsely claiming that illegal aliens are vulnerable; they fail to note that as a group Illegal aliens have a great deal of power because they have very powerful protectors including those who make this false claim.
•welcome the stranger: a selective interpretation of the Bible; used by religious leaders and some others.
•false compassion: many supporters falsely claim that "reform" is the humanitarian choice.
•secure the border: some who claim they want border security are simply attempting to mislead.
Additional talking points will be added to this list in the near future. ... -explained