Narco shootout in Matamoros killed four innocent and injured two others
Friday April 8, 2011

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Violent day that experienced in the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, and that elements of the Federal Police allegedly chased a truck manned by gunmen on the highway to Reynosa. The incident took place minutes before 14:00 pm today.

Federal agents repeatedly triggered their powerful firearms, but people who said they had pursued, managed to escape. Terror gripped the students of the Universidad del Valle de Mexico, as the violent action occurred off the premises of that institution.

As the balance of the shooting, four innocent people unrelated to the facts to get killed by bullets from the feds, but sources say the dead were 10 in the shooting. In addition, two men, a public transportation driver and a passenger were also injured, his health is reported as serious.

After the shooting occurred a few meters from the monument to Rigo Tovar, authorities were present to protect the area, as well as staff from the Medical Examiner for the removal of the bodies.

So far only been able to identify the two wounded men, are treated the two wounded men, it is Mr. Orlando Gallegos Urbina, 51, and the young Jesus Ramirez Carrejo, 22.

Also there were several narco block-aids in the city, witnesses say authorities did not act efficiently to the facts that unhinged the road for several hours.

Throughout the day, people witnessed demonstrations by different parts of Matamoros, made by the Mexican Army, Navy Marine Secretariat of Mexico, and the Federal Police. ... moros.html