This is the answer I received from senator Bill Nelson
Dear Ms.

Thank you for contacting me about immigration. I agree with you--the system is broken and needs to be fixed.

However, the first thing Congress needed to do was secure our borders. That's why I voted for a new law recently signed by the President that authorizes a double-layer fence along at least one-third of the U.S.-Mexico border and provides monitoring for the rest of the boundary with cameras and remote-controlled aircraft.

Now, Congress needs to address the fact that some 12 million immigrants already are in the U.S. illegally. To that end, I have supported the same tough immigration bill as Senator Mel Martinez that requires them to speak English, have a job, pay back taxes, and play by all the rules.

This legislation hasn't passed the House yet, but the bottom line is: we need a comprehensive immigration policy that is tough, but fair to all. Please continue to share your views with me so I can be a better Senator for you.

This was my re. answer

Dear Senator, thanks for answering my letter and for offering me your atention for my concerns.
I am also an immigrant who became a citizen 2 years ago, but I WAS NEVER ILLEGAL IN THIS COUNTRY.
I don't think we need more laws, we need to enforce the laws we already have, also this AMNESTY is Shameful, if you agree with Mr. Mel Martinez that the American citizenship can be bought for $2,000,00 I'll be very sorry to know that our Senators value so cheap our laws and our principles.
I and my family came to this country with respect and admiration, we pay our taxes and love this country with the objective to be Americans, I am already, but they are waiting the 5 years as the law indicates after the green card.
I don't agree 20 millons who broke the law to be rewarded with the citizenship or the permission to stay here.
They must be fired from their jobs, which they fraudulently got with fradulent documents, and their bosses hve to pay a fine for hiring them instead of Americans citizens or LEGAL immigrants,then they will go by themselves back from where they came from and will learn to obbey ANY yes ANY country's laws and not turn them into criminals teaching them taht the law is something to be discarted .
This is as ultrage for us other legal immigrants who did everything correctly as naive, silly, law obiding people.
If we had come to this country, breaked your laws, cheeted, not integrated and keeping speaking our langage not caring to learn or integrate into this country culture, it will be much easier to become an American Citizen, and even less expensive.
Please Senator let me hear from you because it's a non sense the way our goverment are handling this problem.