Immigration debate: KGUN9 viewer response is without precedent

Posted: Apr 22, 2010 6:00 PM CDT
Updated: Apr 22, 2010 7:20 PM CDT
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Viewers continue to shower KGUN9 News with comments about SB 1070, the proposed crackdown on illegal immigration that now sits on Governor Jan Brewer's desk. The amount of commentary coming to KGUN9 is without precedent, and the river of feedback shows no signs of abating. The number of voices opposing the bill is increasing, but those in favor are still well ahead. Accusations of KGUN9 News bias continue, but viewers disagree about whether our coverage favors the right or the left.

Here is a sampling of today's feedback, presented in random order:

From William Kennedy: "The only fear a Hispanic would have is that they are entering the US illegally. In California they have people of all colors and from all nations. They should all be required to show proper ID and their Immigration status. Bill 1070 does not target just Hispanics but all foreign races that maybe here illegally. It is a fact that the Hispanics are the greatest violator of entering the US illegally."

From "lillian68": "I'm against SB1070! I left California for its racial profiling for both blacks & brown and I sure don't want to have to live in a state where it's a way of life! That's exactly what this law will create. Wake up Arizona & all border states, the minorities are the majority, so trying to figure out who's legal or not is impossible by looks alone.... WAKE UP HOMELAND SECURITY! .... THIS IS YOUR JOB, not the local police they have a tough job as it is and deserve better than having to do dept of immigrations work also."

From "Pcsolis:" "This is racial profiling. It is wrong."

From "Sandra:" "It is never to late to kick out the over 10 million illegals that are here. They need to start over and come into our country and apply for citizenship like the many who came before us. They need to learn about our government, learn to read, write and speak English just like my ancestors did! The American Dream is not a free hand out but unfortunately our government is doing just that. I love my country but I think our government and the people running it all need to be thrown out and let's start over. Our forefathers would be appalled if they saw what has happened to this country today!!!!!!!!"

From "KaREn:" "I'M AGAINST THE BILL!!!!!! It's a waste of time and money it's a racial action. The gov is way smarter than that. THEY SHOULD START THINKING ABOUT MORE INTELLIGENT BILLS. Immigrants are always coming back. LIKE IT OR NOT that's how life is."

From "Frances Buerger:" "Everywhere we go out of the US we have to have a passport, so what is wrong with having the same law that other countries have? Don't know why it shouldn't be a law here too.... Unless someone has something to hide, they shouldn't be afraid to show who they are."

From "kc:" "This bill is not about xenophobia or racial profiling. It is about helping our local law enforcement enforce immigration law. It doesn't matter who is crossing the border, if they are violating US law, then law enforcement should be given the ability to detect and enforce those violations. The governor should step up and improve the situation by signing SB1070 into law."

From anonymous: "In the bill, it states that if a police officer does not ask for citizen status, citizens can sue them and the department. If they do ask for status, they can be sued for racial profiling. This bill puts police officers in a lose-lose situation. Police are already under great strain trying to protect citizens from real criminals. How is this effective policing?"

From Angelica Castro: "Especially Arizona should set the example and do what's right for the people living in this country. I strongly feel that we should no longer accept or turn the other way if you will, when it comes to illegal immigration! This country has been so politically correct but it's time we protect it since I see it losing its identity because of all these people committing the crime of just being here illegally! If I were to go into Mexico, get free benefits, like food stamps, free healthcare, free education without paying taxes -- It will never happen, they would kick me out sooo fast !!!!! Yet we allow this to occur here in the USA! That's why everything is going down hill. Schools are closing due to no money, hospitals closing.... We are not being racist, I am of Mexican decent but my parents did it the legal way! Like everyone else should. Focus should be on the Mexican Government for... not helping its people.... We CANNOT RESCUE THEM ALL!!!!!!!"

From "fedupNaz:" "My family and friends believe that this bill should be signed. We lost a dear friend a month ago because our borders are not secure. This is just the beginning step in securing our border. We also need to beef up Border Patrol and border enforcement. If I have to show proof of insurance when I am pulled over by the police, then we should all be expected to carry proof of citizenship. Raul Grijalva, I am BOYCOTTING you!!! I can't believe you would turn your back on your state and your country like you did on MSNBC. What would you tell Rob Krentz's family who was killed in cold blood because our border security is a joke? We need to quit worrying about offending people when it comes to OUR country's safety."

From Norma Hernandez: "I am absolutely disgusted at what this state has turned into. I am embarrassed to say I live in the most racist state in the country. Illegal immigrants do provide money to this state. They pay their taxes just as any U.S. citizen. The difference is that they cannot claim this money. Everyone talks about the burden that illegal immigration causes on this state but yet they don't mention that there is billions of dollars that is never claimed by them. Illegals do not take jobs from citizens, citizens are the ones that choose either not to work or they do not take a job that is 12 hours a day for minimum pay.... Where would this state be if it wasn't for all those Mexican families that come across the border to spend their money in our store and help our economy, are we prepared to give that up? I don't think so. How many retired U.S. citizens live in Mexico because the U.S. dollar goes further there and yet they are not finger-pointed as being illegals in Mexico. They are welcomed because they help the economy of that country just as the illegal immigrants do to this country. Most of all, we are all human being, it is in our instinct to do whatever it takes to survive and to provide to our families. So before you judge, sit and think what you are willing to do for your family if one of your little ones was starving or your mother is dying because you do not have the money to provide for them."

From Pastor Nellie Starzinger: I live in Benson Arizona.... If one was to look at what the country of Mexico makes one go through to be a Mexican citizen, and what we're making Mexican citizens go through, it would be easy to see, as a country, what needs to be done: practice what Mexico makes US citizens go through to Mexican citizens. If we apply the same laws/rules as Mexico does, I don't think we would have any problems! But until this happens, we NEED to enforce our laws. Illegal Mexican citizens are just as illegal as people from other countries that try to sneak into our borders... Do your job! This is the United States of America. We HAVE TO defend ALL of our borders!!"

Some viewers are convinced that KGUN9 is favoring the left:

From Sandra: "I agree that the news media is biased and they show more of the protestors and having them wave the Mexico Flag around is disgusting. This is America and it is way long past due that we take action against illegals and protect our country and people."

From Wes Stewart: "Re: Atchley's claim that you are trying to be unbiased in the SB 1070 debate. Sorry, I'm not buying it. Your liberal bias in favor of the opponents of the bill is obvious. When your 'reporter' uses words such as 'the masses' when speaking of a few protesters, it's really pathetic. Why the media does this is beyond me, although I'm way beyond being surprised. The American way of life is going down the toilet and you think it's just dandy."

From "Jerry E:" "I find it interesting that you chose to report on 3 police chiefs from states that have a totally different situation than us. Why didn't you report on the opinion of our AZ police chiefs? Sort of par for the course with respect to our so called main stream media networks. Guess their responses wouldn't have fit the story that you would like to push... I can't say that the reporting I saw on KGUN was unbiased, but then I wouldn't expect anything different, unfortunately, from a so called 'main stream network.' I am tired of seeing more coverage of the clowns that are grandstanding for people that are here illegally and their claims of racism, when they are the real racists. Spend some time showing the legal citizens of the country, and those working hard to keep it the greatest country in the world."

Some take the opposite view, certain that KGUN9 is leaning to the right:

From "nonap2:" "Just because you don't think (know) you are spewing conservative hate mongering doesn't excuse you from providing responsible balanced journalism. You're only fooling the choir. Being Hispanic is an ethnicity - not a race. Hispanics are white. You put up statistics that are invalid. If your are going to use the term Hispanic then you should a term like Anglo for non-Hispanic whites. Otherwise, Hispanic and non-Hispanic would be appropriate for a comparison. Go back to journalism school."

From Melissa Molina-Garcia: "Mr. Atchley, I am writing in response to your recent coverage. As a educated professional, I can no longer view your nightly news due to your biased coverage of the Illegal Immigration Bill. Your affiliation with Mr. Jon Justice will no longer be tolerated. I have watched your morning and nightly news since I was a young child, now as a woman who is 35, I have to question if you can provide unbiased news due to your relationship with Mr. Justice. As a loyal viewer of over 20+ years, I will now make the switch to Channel Four. I really think you need to get the minority perspective on the bill, which obviously you lack in your recent coverage. The white rage' view is too much for me and many of my family and friends (who are non-minorities)... A former loyal viewer is who making the switch immediately!"

From Judith Malen: "I watch your station all the time, but I am appalled that you are showing that Justice guy and not showing the other view on the immigration bill. Yes, you 'showed' it, but you FEATURED the Justice opinion. I may have to start watching channel 4 more."

KGUN9 tries hard not to show any kind of bias. As I've observed before, when each side feels we are biased in favor of the opposite side, then we figure we have the tone about right -- which is to say, down the middle.

A word about Jon Justice: Jon works for a sister radio station. His role is to express opinion. KGUN9 does not express opinion. But because Jon is a strong political voice in our community, occasionally he does something that's newsworthy on the political scene. On the day in question, Jon led a petition drive in favor of the bill. It was the only pro-bill event this week in the Tucson area that we know of. As two viewers noted (and objected to) above, earlier in the week we had covered anti-bill protests. Can you imagine the accusations of bias we'd have received if we had covered one side's event, but not the other's?

Please keep those comments coming. (FYI, we have shared a sampling of viewer comments from Wednesday and Thursday with the governor's office.) Send your thoughts to or post your comment at the end of relevant web stories, including this one.

Forrest Carr
KGUN9 News Director