Something to consider before casting a vote for the DREAM Act (Rep. Brian Bilbray)

By Rep. Brian Bilbray (R-Calif.) - 09/20/10 04:11 PM ET

The recent murders of 72 migrant workers in northern Mexico highlight one of the main immigration issues in the United States: before we see a peaceful and secure border, our southern neighbor must get control over the violent cartels that plague the entire country. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, more than 4,500 people have been murdered--just along the border--since 1998.
These 72 migrant workers were looking to make a better life for themselves on the promise of illegal jobs from unscrupulous employers and a promise of amnesty from unscrupulous politicians. The migrants paid the cartels to bring them across our border illegally, not knowing they would be kidnapped, held for ransom and murdered—whether or not their families paid for their release.

Unfortunately, some people in Congress and in the business community share the responsibility for the murders. When my colleagues talk about providing amnesty (or “a pathway to citizenshipâ€