Aug. 15 Arizona border rally is who's who of illegal immigration debate
Friday, August 13, 2010 - Tea Party Report by Tea Party Staff Reports

Disclaimer: The Tea Party Reports is edited by Bill Kelly and Laura Grochocki and features numerous independent voices in today's Tea Party movement. Tea Party guest submitters are in no way affiliated with The Washington Times and do not necessarily reflect the views of any other person other than the contributor.

On United We Stand For Americans and the The Patriot Caucus, will be hosting the first Arizona Border Tea Party Rally known as the “United Border Coalition“. The rally's purpose is to show support for Arizona and its rights to enforce the ‘Immigration Laws’ that the Federal Government won’t. SB1070 is a common sense law that enables Arizona to enforce federal law on illegal immigration.

The confirmed speakers to-date represent the Who's Who of the U.S. illegal immigration debate that has been stirring the establishment cultures of political correctness to the boiling point. Among those are Senator Russell Pearce, Jesse Hernandez, President of the Arizona Latino Republican Association; Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle, Pamela Gorman, AZ Rep. Carl E. Seel, Senate candidate JD Hayworth, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Judson Phillips, and Sheriff Larry Dever to name a few. So threatened is the establishment culture on this issue that it has chosen to cast this debate as one of racism rather than one of sovereignty and national security. However, these leaders who be present at the United Border Coalition this weekend have stepped up courageously - in some instances risking life and limb - to defend the basic principle that America's survival, current and future, depends on its defined physical borders. The Founding Fathers themselves would have argued that sovereignty is fundamental to the notion of citizenship. For if there are no borders, as many on the Left have lobbied for, how can you be a citizen of something or anything at all? The Tea Party Report applauds the efforts of United We Stand for Americans and the Patriotic Caucus for their tireless commitment to American sovereignty. God speed.

- A Perspective by Keith Sipmann and Pamela Gorman, a Co-Sponsor of SB1070

SB1070 had a great deal of public support from those that not only live in Arizona, but also from Americans in other states. The bill literally brought the immigration issue into the forefront of national politics. The fact that the federal government wants to fight the Arizona law shows that the federal government no longer has the will of the people in mind. This administration would rather play political games than deal with the immigration problem that we are facing.

The United Border Coalition Tea Party Rally’s purpose is to show support for Arizona and its rights to enforce the ‘Immigration Laws’ that the Federal Government won’t. SB1070 is a common sense law that enables Arizona to enforce the federal laws related to illegal immigration. With the Arizona primary elections coming up within days, the idea is to remind Arizona and voters in other states that this issue is not going to go away unless we the people do something about it. It's imperative that Arizonans support the candidates that will support the positions of legal citizens and not bow or cave to another state or foreign country that doesn't agree with our state laws.

For the first time in our nations history, we have a President that sides with a foreign government and drug cartels over the will of the people of the United States. This is unacceptable. To show our unwavering support for SB1070, America, Arizona and those that believe we should have tougher border protection and not allow amnesty; United We Stand For Americans and The Patriot Caucus have joined forces to host the first Arizona Border Tea Party Rally known as the “United Border Coalitionâ€