Brace yourself, Patriots. This would be huge if it happens in the bastion of libidiot politics...ala Lieberman and Dodd. Danbury, CT is only 35 miles form the illegal alien haven of New Haven, CT! This would be a major thorn in New Haven's illegal alien hugging. And, Danbury, is only 57 miles from the Connecticut State Capitol, Hartford...another city with dismal immigration enforcement. Keep your fingers crossed that Danbury goes 287(g)

Should Danbury partner with ICE?
Cooperation with immigration officials appears set for approval
By Marietta Homayonpour

DANBURY — Should the city seek closer ties with federal immigration authorities?

That controversial question will likely be decided Thursday at the Common Council meeting.

With the mayor, the police chief and leaders in both major political parties on the Council supporting the move, a partnership with Immigration and Customs Enforcement appears set for approval.

Though the Council could decide to study the issue further, Mayor Mark Boughton doesn’t think that will happen.

“All the information is in front of them,â€