The British Upper House formerly known as the House of Lords has issued a statement that the current immigration situation in Britain is unsustainable and illegal immigration and legal immigration of people with low skills needs to go down.

I heard this on a BBC radio broadcast while I was having my coffee at a local convenience store. The store belongs to a North African immigrant and hires mostly quasi legals people who have a U.S. residence permit but not a work permit. There was a new hire there, a Nepali foreign student who after he hearing me argue with the shop owner regarding illegal immigration and my saying that I agree with the British suprised me by saying he too sympatized with the British on tightening control (though he does not have a work permit). His position is apparently by the time that he graduates he will qualify as higher skilled.


The major immigration control organizations use an estimate of thirteen million illegal aliens. I use instead use the twenty million figure I think it includes both the illegals, quasi legals and also their dependents.