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The Anti-Minutemen

The open borders crowd is getting more aggressive, recruiting hundreds of moonbats to help illegal immigrants enter the United States.

A surge in the number of volunteers fanning out across Arizona’s southern deserts to aid illegal immigrants is expected this summer.

The increase comes despite the ongoing prosecution of two volunteers arrested last summer on federal charges they intentionally conspired to transport illegal entrants, leaders of illegal immigrant aid groups said.

Shanti A. Sellz and Daniel M. Strauss, both 24, were arrested as they drove illegal entrants to a clinic on July 9 and face trial in October.

Leaders of two faith-based groups, No More Deaths and Samaritan Patrol, say they’ve signed up hundreds of volunteers to deliver food, water and medical aid to migrants illegally walking into the country from Mexico. No More Deaths alone has 500 registered volunteers, up from 300 last summer.

A third group, Humane Borders, puts water tanks in areas frequented by illegal migrants.
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