Senator Ken Salazar is on Face the Nation on WCBS (CBS) in New York saying that we are extremists and quoting the New York Times poll as proof that we need this bill. He goes on to describe us fringe groups and in the minority!

This guy is a water carrying traitor for Senor Jorge Bush. If you are in the Central, Mountain or Pacific Time zones YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS when it comes on. You'll want to reach out and choke him!

On the opposing side is Congressman Peter King of New York who lays out the reasons that this bill is pathetic. He does a great job.

Congressman King starts to really pick him apart and of course the fossil, Bob Schieffer, won't let Peter King deliver the death blow to Salazar's argument.

It's time to make his phone ring once again! Ken Salazar is a liar and needs to hear from us, again.