Only posting the immigration part.

4th Congressional District: Key issues
Published 12:00 am PDT Sunday, April 27, 2008


What specific federal actions do you support on illegal immigration?

SUZANNE JONES: Says the country should enforce current immigration laws, build/complete the border fence and give "worker" status to immigrant workers without a path to citizenship. Does not support "sanctuary cities," mass arrests/deportations, or driver's licenses or other incentives for illegal immigration.

TOM McCLINTOCK: Says that the border fence must be completed without further delay, that the military should supplement Border Patrol enforcement, that illegal immigrants encountered through law enforcement or social service agencies should be deported, and that sanctions against employers of illegal immigrants should be rigorously enforced.

DOUG OSE: Says that while in Congress, he supported completing a border fence, hiring more Border Patrol agents and using unmanned aerial vehicles and surveillance technology. Says he wrote legislation that waived environmental restrictions that were keeping a border fence in California from being constructed. Says he adamantly opposes immigration amnesty.

THEODORE TERBOLIZARD: Opposes amnesty, the North American Union (NAU) treaty, proposed I-35 NAFTA highway and border fence. Supports secure borders, on-demand temporary guest worker visas, and increased H1-B visas. Says free social services for undocumented immigrants are not a problem of immigration but of free social services.