Probably no chance in ____ of bills getting anywhere in CA but at least someone is trying.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Assemblyman Bob Huff Introduces Illegal Immigration Reform Package

California Political Desk
March 05, 2008

Sacramento, CA (March 5, 200 – California has become "home" to an estimated three million illegal immigrants who have crossed the state´s porous borders seeking work and a better life. Many residing here illegally, including those who break laws not related to immigration, have created a drain on tax-funded benefits reserved for American citizens and legal immigrants. Assemblyman Bob Huff has introduced a package of five common sense bills to help address this growing problem.

AJR 44 – A bill circulating in Congress would repeal the section of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution allowing for birthright citizenship. This federal policy has resulted in citizenship for babies born in the United States to foreign visitors, and illegal immigrants. This lax policy has served to attract illegal immigrants looking for an easy way to claim state and federal benefits without going through the legal citizenship process. AJR 44 will urge Congress to pass that bill, and stop ignoring the crime of illegal immigration.

AB 2418 – This bill will deny bail to any illegal immigrant that has been charged with a gang-related crime or a violent felony. AB 2418 will ensure that illegal immigrant criminals receive the punishment they deserve for crimes committed and stop them from jumping bail to flee to their home country to avoid prosecution.

AB 2420 – San Francisco and Los Angeles have declared themselves "sanctuary cities," prohibiting their local authorities from cooperating with federal immigration officials. AB 2420 will stop local entities and authorities from establishing themselves as "sanctuary cities," eliminating conflicting governmental policies.

AB 2421 – Due to the federal government´s inability and ineffectiveness to enforce immigration laws at the state level, AB 2421 outlines a business license revocation process for employers who hire illegal immigrants within California.

AB 2422 – This bill will require that local authorities report juveniles who have been charged with a violent felony to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, to ensure the dangerous juvenile is deported back to their home country. While it is difficult to find and deport illegal immigrants, those who commit violent felonies should be swiftly deported.

"While a comprehensive solution to illegal immigration must come from the federal government, it is time to stop wringing our hands, and adopt these common sense illegal immigration reform bills which will reduce the negative impacts of illegal immigrants on our society and state budget," stated Assemblyman Huff.