Dear Senator Sessions,

I really thought you had the welfare of the people of Alabama and the United States as a priority. Based on your voting record, it appeared that you were listening to your constituents and not bowing to peer pressure and White House pressure. You definitely destroyed the trust and admiration from the people of Alabama and no longer deserve to serve the people. You should be ashamed of yourself for stooping to gutter level politics, your “yea� vote on CAFTA will provide absolutely no benefit to the MAJORITY of Alabaman’s or Americans. You are supposed to vote based upon the will/voice of the people you represent, what happened to “for the people, by the people�.

You took an oath that in part says, “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic�. You have openly broken your oath to support the Constitution as the rule of law by voting in favor of CAFTA, which will allow “foreign enemies� to invade our country economically with no threat of punishment.

It's still very disappointing to see all the Senators voting in favor of a bill that will drain our manufacturing economy; cost Americans their jobs; cost the American Economy investment dollars that CAFTA will divert to Central America; AND a flood of new immigrants from Central America in numbers that our society and economy can not under any circumstance sustain or support.