April 21, 2008

Michael Ackley

LOS ANGELES – Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who represents Aztlan on the City Council, has asked U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to quit raiding businesses to find illegal aliens.

Instead, he said, the federal government should concentrate on sanctioning businesses that mistreat workers.

"So-called 'illegals' deserve the same wage-and-hour protections as other workers," he said, adding that work-site raids can have "severe and long-lasting effects" on the local economy.

"Look," said the mayor, "the documentation that some undocumented workers present to employers looks legitimate, so businesses can't tell if they're hiring somebody who is technically 'illegal' or not. As a matter of fact, the documentation of these undocumented workers often looks better than the real thing.

"Phony drivers' licenses, for example, frequently have photos that don't look like post postmortems, and Social Security cards don't look like they've been through the wash three or four times."

Concluding with his traditional "Viva la Raza!" Villaraigosa argued that the counterfeit documents were actually better than real documents and said he hoped the state legislature would declare the counterfeits as good as legitimate papers.

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