Friday, February 01, 2008
Thinking About Obama's $32 Million
Posted by: Hugh Hewitt at 9:25 PM

Does anyone think John McCain can match Obama's fundraising prowess?

Obama's stunning numbers are the result of grassroots donations. The Republican who has raised the most money is Romney --and that doesn't include his own donations to the campaign.

After Super Tuesday and the expected Obama wins, the Hillary money will flood into Obama's coffers, and the campaign against the GOP nominee will begin and never let up, backed as well by Soros et al.

If McCain is the nominee he will be broke and in effect defenseless, playing catch-up in a resources game in which he will never get close, battling not only Oama's millions but MSM's collective swoon for the Illinois senator..

Romney will also be behind but with the real possibility of catching up and of self-funding through the critical spring months if necessary.

Not only conservatives but down-ticket Republicans in Congress and at the state and local level have to focus on the realities of a race against Barack Obama and follow the lead of Santorum, Limbaugh, Hannity, Ingraham, Levin etc in rallying to Romney..