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Can Tom Tancredo be elected U.S. president?
Why Fox News host said he 'might well be' nation's leader in 2008

Posted: January 22, 2007
1:00 a.m. Eastern

FANTASTIC ONE-WEEK OFFER! Get Rep. Tom Tancredo's acclaimed best seller, "In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security," for only $4.95 – a savings of $20 – but only from WND, and only until Friday, Jan. 26 at 10 p.m. Pacific!

© 2007

Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo.

With Hillary Clinton the Democrats' presumptive presidential nominee, and the Republican Party's conservative base disenchanted with frontrunners McCain, Giuliani and Romney, the candidacy of Colorado Rep. Tom Tancredo – lionized by many for his bold stand on border security and illegal immigration – is moving closer to reality. And this week only, WND readers can get Tancredo's sensational new book, "In Mortal Danger: The Battle for America's Border and Security" – which reveals how he would solve America's most vexing problem – for only $4.95 – a $20 discount!

Last week, Tancredo announced, as his first step toward a presidential run, that he was launching a exploratory campaign committee.

"My purpose," said Tancredo on the "Team Tancredo 2008" website, "is to obtain your support as I embark upon a path that may lead to the Republican nomination for the Presidency of the United States."

He added: "The decision to pursue this arduous and undeniably uphill battle is because I, like you, have a duty to do everything I can to keep faith with those who risked their 'lives, fortunes and sacred honor' to create this wonderful place we call America."

Does Tancredo actually have a chance of winning the presidency?

"Illegals coming into America are sure to be front and center in the next presidential election here," Neil Cavuto said on a June broadcast of the popular Fox News show, "Your World with Neil Cavuto," "and Republican Congressman Tom Tancredo certainly knows it. He owns this issue. And straw polls show that, if he were to run for president, he just might well be president."

Cavuto posed the question to Tancredo: "Over the months I have talked to you, as this immigration issue has heated up, your poll numbers have moved up." When the host asked if Tancredo would run for president, the five-term congressman and chairman of the House Immigration Reform Caucus responded: "Neil, I will run for president if I cannot get ... any of the serious candidates to really take this on. My purpose is to make immigration the focal point of any national debate on a presidential election."

Tancredo added: "Your responsibility as a candidate for president is to do every single thing you can to tell the people what you believe to be the greatest threats to the nation and how you would deal with them. And then, you know what? If they buy it, OK, you're elected. If they don't, you have done your best."

The congressman also didn't mince words the previous night on Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes" show, saying: "Mexico is aiding and abetting an invasion of this country. They are part of the problem. In fact, they are creating situations along that border, using their own military, to protect drug trafficking into the United States, pushing their own people into the United States for a variety of reasons. It is an invasion."

Living up to his reputation for candor, Tancredo explains in his book how the economic success and historical military prowess of the United States have transformed a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles of right and wrong into an overindulgent, self-deprecating, immoral cesspool of depravity.

His recipe for turning things around?

Without strong, moral leadership, without a renewed sense of purpose, without a rededication to family and community, without shunning the race hustlers and pop-culture sham artists, without protecting borders, language and culture, the nation that once was "the land of the free and home of the brave" and the "one last best hope of mankind" will repeat the catastrophic mistakes of the past, he writes.