June 15, 2007

OUTRAGE: GOP Chair Martinez Condemns U.S. in Latin America (including Contra Defeat of Communism)

By Debbie Schlussel

Now, he's really gone too far.

Republican Party Chairman and Florida U.S. Senator Mel Martinez needs to get out of politics before he single-handedly (well, actually with the help of President George W. Bush and other Senators like Jon Kyl) destroys the Republican Party forever.

Today's Wall Street Journal Washington Wire reports that--despite the GOP's jilted lover stalking of the Hispanic vote (including such tactics as the Illegal Alien Amnesty Bill)--more Hispanics than ever identify themselves as Democrats rather than Republicans. A new Wall Street Journal/NBC poll finds that they identify 51% to 21% as Democrats to Republicans.

But, instead of facing the music that open borders advocacy doesn't help the GOP even from a pragmatic, vote-whoring point of view, Martinez instead BLAMES America for "past foreign interventions in Latin American countries" for the downward decline in Hispanic GOP identification. And, Martinez maintains, "a skillful 2008 Republican candidate can recover."

Sandinista, er . . . GOP Chairman, Senator Mel Martinez
HUH?????!!!!! Ronald Reagan is turning over in his grave . . . again.

The last American "foreign intervention in Latin America" was when we supported the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters--the Contras--against the Communist tyranny of the Sandinistas, headed by Gucci-glasses, pre-Lasik Daniel Ortega. We need to "recover" from that?!

If only we had listened to Oliver North in Nicaragua's elections, last year, and had another "foreign intervention in Latin America." But we did not, and Daniel Ortega (now Lasik-ed) has returned to power.

And, guess what? Our lack of "foreign intervention in Latin America," this time around, didn't help the GOP, Senor Martinez.

But it did lead to this . . .

Mr. Martinez, time for you to say Adios . . . before the rest of America says Adios to you and your party.

Oh, and by the way, that same Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed that fewer than 30% of members of both parties--the GOP and the Democrats--call the Senate immigration amnesty bill "acceptable."

Like I said, take the hint, Mr. Martinez. Say bye-bye. Please.

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